What's happening in 3/4

The Year 3/4 classes have had a great start to Term Two. We have had a few collaborative lessons with both classes, enjoying being taught by both Mr Butler and Mr O! We are working on being more independent and taking this into our learning.
In Week One we were lucky to have someone come in with a dog for the Responsible Pet Program to learn how to take care of our pets so they and us are safe!
We also enjoyed going to Cross Country last Friday on a cold and windy day. Every student tried their best and cheered everyone on as they came down the hill to the finish line.
Students have had a wonderful time working outside in Gardening with Mrs Simic. Last week students had a go at weeding and eating the Bok Choy and beans that were grown in the garden.
Integrated Studies
During this Term we will be looking at Earth and Space Sciences, particularly human impact on our Earth and our relationship between the Earth the Moon and the Sun!
We found out that there are some endangered animals in our world including some of our favourites! We looked at why they are endangered and how many are left.
We are learning about Natural Disasters currently and the implications that these cause. We know that some examples are bushfires, floods and earthquakes and investigated these at depth. Students will be finding out why the moon is important to the earth and why we need it as well as the earth’s rotation that creates day and night as well!
During Religion we finished where we left off last term in welcoming Easter. We read the Gospel and found out what happened when Jesus was resurrected.
We found it amazing that some of the disciples didn’t recognise Jesus on the road to Emmaus. Luckily Jesus revealed himself to them and they were very happy to see Jesus.
We are working through Jesus’ commandment of ‘love one another’ and looking at how we can use this in our life. We are reflecting on our choices and others’ choices throughout history. Discussing the consequences of actions in life have been very beneficial for us.
In Maths we have been recapping Place Value as well as Financial Maths with a focus on applying these to our lives. We have enjoyed calculating our Caritas money and using these skills to buy our icy poles and cake raffle tickets.
We are starting on Fractions this week and learning about one whole and how fractions can be used to represent a value that is less than one but more than zero. Students are enjoying creating their own fractions and learning about ¼, ½ and more challenging fractions to improve our knowledge.
Students are working collaboratively between classes to ensure we are working on our team building skills and are having our lessons tailored to what we exactly need to work on. We are enjoying our small group activities and are finding them to be quite helpful.
In our Reading lessons, we are using our Integrated focus of Earth and Space Sciences to provide further understanding within our lessons. We are completing independent reading each day as well as small group reading with our teachers.
Students are being exposed to a large variety of different texts as a class including fact files, websites, and slide presentations. Students are working on their comprehension skills and discussing vocabulary and point of view.
We have worked to identify both explicit and implicit information found within a text, discussing the obvious and less obvious information in what was read. Students discussed what they had read and how this may have made them feel or think.
Within our Writing students are completing handwriting to practice our joining up writing so that we can improve going forward. We are working on reviewing and editing our writing so we can locate errors and fix them so that they are correct.
Students are working on expanding their vocabulary including synonyms and antonyms so we can use this in our writing, instead of repeating the same words over and over!
Structure is a focus of our writing lessons including how we set out our specific writing information. We have looked at recount, creative and narrative structures and are now looking at information reports on a chosen natural disaster.
We are looking forward to packing a lot of learning into this small term and cannot believe we are already 1/3 of our way through!
Mr Taylor Butler
Mr Tim O’Mahoney
Mrs Emma Clausen
Year 3 & 4 Teachers