Responsible Pet Ownership

Responsible Pet Ownership Education Program
At the beginning of Term Two both the Junior and Middle classes were part of this great opportunity to participate in an Incursion with Netta and her lovely dog, Babka.
The students learnt all about
- living safely with dogs and
- responsible pet ownership
All primary schools have the opportunity to be part of this program where vital safety messages are promoted through a dog visit, animated presentations, song, story time and role play.
Both responsible pet ownership and dog safety is important because it teaches students a range of practical skills to use in everyday life.
Pet ownership teaches children responsibility and helps them develop their social and nurturing skills.
Our pets can provide us with company, unconditional love and most importantly endless joy. It is important that children then learn about the responsibility that comes with caring for animals.
This includes:
- Choosing the right pet for your family’s lifestyle
- Caring for your all aspects of your pet’s daily well-being
- The importance of both exercise and training
- The importance of identification and registration for your dog
It is important that students learn to understand that dogs are not little humans and that they do not think or naturally behave like us.
To help prevent dog related injury and accidents, this program helps children to recognise:
- times when we should leave dogs alone
- the warning signs given by dogs
- how to safely approach and greet a dog
- what to do if approached by an aggressive dog
Learning and Teaching Leader