Catholic Identity 

Daily Mass

Last Sunday, up in Glen Innes, I listened to Fr Gleeson's homily with a bit of trepidation.. he commenced with a discussion of attendance at church of parents and their children.  I have four children, ages 14 to the last who is 11 years old on the 19th May.

Of these four children, I have two who attend church regularly due to being in boarding school, one who occasionally graces us with her presence and another... who completely and utter does not believe in God.


As a parent, I feel guilty that they do not want to come to celebrate mass more often and I swing between the... "You should come" and the "Do not force them as you will force them away"... mentality.

However, on Sunday, Father continued his homily asking us to consider how we, as parents, are leading our children to Jesus and God. 

How Jesus is the ultimate shepherd leading His flock to the Good News.  That we are helping them (our children) recognise the Voice, the Actions the Way of the Lord. The conduit by where we help our children often may only happen through our prayers  when we ourselves are at Mass or driving them home in the car.  That the countless hours of prayer from parents sustain our children until they are ready to accept Jesus and to hear His voice and follow. So I think I will take heart from Father Gleeson's words and not beat myself up over something I cannot force a change in.

I will keep praying for them (and the strength for myself to continue)....I know that my children need these prayers sometimes... nay, that is a lie (parenting is hard and teenagers are a different breed)......they need these prayers ALL OF THE TIME!

Blessings, Zoe


First daily Mass of Term 2 was celebrated on Thursday 4th May, thank you to Mrs Grills for your preparation. Our Confirmation Candidates completed reconciliation with Father after the mass and are continuing their lesson preparation in class, we are looking forward to Pentecost Sunday!

Sacramental Dates for 2023

Confirmation Mass -  Sunday 28th May

First Eucharist (Holy Eucharist) Mass - Sunday 11th June

First Reconciliation - To be confirmed


St Mary of the Angels Parish runs the Sacraments of Reconciliation and First Eucharist  (First Holy Communion) yearly, with the Sacrament of Confirmation being a biannual event.

This year, 2023, is to be the year that our Stage 3 (Year 5/6) students have the opportunity to complete their Sacrament of Confirmation.  Confirmation Enrolment Meeting at 5:30pm 4th May Parochial Hall.

Although heavily supported by the school for our students, Sacraments are a Church activity and we stress the importance of students and parent/carers attending all Catechesis meetings with Father O'Shea (St Mary of the Angels students receive their Sacramental lessons in RE Lessons at school, parents will still be required to attend enrolment meeting).

If you know of families outside of our school community who have children to complete their Sacraments please forward them the link for this form or ask them to contact our school.  

All Parents/Carers of students who wish for their child to complete a Sacrament this year are asked to view and complete the Google form HERE.


Please note:

Enrolment for our Sacraments are also dependent on students being able to produce their Baptismal Certificates