Principal News

Welcome back to Term 2, I hope that everyone had a relaxing break and an enjoyable Easter period.


Firstly, I wanted to acknowledge our parent helpers throughout term 1. Without your support the school can’t continue to offer a variety of programs to our community. To everyone that helped with excursions, Breakfast Club, preparation for the Mother’s Day Stall, the Easter Raffle, House Sports, etc I sincerely thank you for all of your help.


Congratulations to all our Foundation – Year 2 Reading Award recipients from Term 1. Witnessing so many smiling faces as names were read out for each reading award, was very humbling. I can’t wait to see how many awards are given out at our next reading assembly on Monday 8th May. Remember to fill in those reading diaries each night as you read.


Also, congratulations to our prize winners from the Easter Raffle. We managed to raise just over $6K.


If you haven’t yet, please tune into the new school radio station that is available via SeeSaw. Several student leaders will have the chance to host a variety of guests throughout the year.


Our school swimming program has commenced this week, with our year 4, 5 & 6 students attending a one-day intensive swimming program. Our year 1, 2 & 3 students will have this opportunity later in the year.


Congratulations to our year 6 students who participated in Lightening Premiership last term. All reports indicate a successful day with all games played in good spirit. Equally as impressive was the support each student displayed for their teammates, this makes me very proud.


Breakfast Club will recommence next Friday 5th May in the School Gym from 8.15am. Breakfast Club will be held every Friday of term 2 and if any community members are able to help out on the day, it would be greatly appreciated.


Thank you to Mr Bailey and Ms Blackburn for their time and dedication in preparing our Anzac Day assembly yesterday, the respect and admiration for our service men and woman was on display as every student considerately participated in the ANZAC ceremony.


It was fantastic to have the local Frankston Mayor out yesterday to talk about local council with our Yr 4 students. From all reports the presentation was very informative.


Ricky Joyce – Assistant Principal