Senior School

Forbes Easter Celebration

Our Forbes Reading Team helped pass the Easter message to our local Forbes Primary School this week. It was an Easter Egg Hunt in the library for many students in the school. The students had to discover an egg card with one of their reading buddies and then exchange it for a choice of Easter treats, including eggs, lollies and small toys. The students loved the fun and the treat. I pray that they know the reason for the holiday and the love of God for his world that he sent his son.


Andrea Grear

Head of Senior School

Principal, South Plympton Campus

Senior Worship Team @ Pilgrim

The Senior Worship Team visited Pilgrim School to join in their Wellbeing Day last Friday. The theme for the day was 'belonging' and Brad (Year 10) shared a devotion on how belonging to God is the most important thing that defines our identity. Former Pilgrim student, Benjamin (Year 10), also shared about how we belong to God and that he loves us, cares for us, and will never forsake us.


We are excited to share with you the recent activities at Emmaus Makerspace. Makerspace is a place where students of all ages can explore their creativity and learn new skills through hands-on activities.


In our recent sessions, students had a blast producing lasercut shelves and sculptures. They were able to use the Fusion for Slicer Software to transform their 3D designs into laser cut structures. 


Makerspace allow students of all ages collaborate and work together. It's truly inspiring to see students from different grades and backgrounds coming together to create amazing projects.


We are looking forward to seeing what our students will create next. If your child is interested in joining any Makerspace activities, stay tuned to the SEQTA Bulletin and School Newsletter.

Jim Brown and David Chu

Middle/Senior School Teachers


Year 11 Geography bushfire excursion


Year 11 Geography students have been studying natural hazards including bushfires. As part of a SACE assignment, on 21 March the class visited Belair and Cleland National Parks to measure and investigate the effectiveness of prescribed burns as a strategy for reducing the fire hazard. Students also explored neighbourhoods in the Adelaide Hills to assess how prepared communities are for potential bushfires. During the day, a Senior Regional Fire Management Officer met the group to share his knowledge and experience of leading prescribed burns.