From our Principal
Christine Pillot
From our Principal
Christine Pillot
Here we are two weeks into to term 2 already. It's so pleasing to see students commence the term where they left off in term 1; students are familiar and responding well to their school routines and daily/session schedules.
Yesterday we had the first of our three school review days where the panel went through our pre-review activities, this included the feedback from our students, parents and staff forums we conducted last term. The panel also visited classrooms and were able to see many of the school structures, processes and highlights that we had shared through the pre-review findings. This was very assuring and pleasing to hear.
With the review off to a positive start, the panel are now preparing for the second day on Monday 15 May. On this day, there will be another parent forum, where our school reviewer Jane would like to hear further feedback and opinions of parents and carers. We'll let you know of the time of this parent forum in the coming days.
You may have noticed that many schools are celebrating Education Week in the middle of May. At Croydon SDS we will be acknowledging Education Week slightly later, the week beginning Monday 29th May. The theme, ‘Active Learners: Move, Make, Motivate’ will be the centre of some fun whole school activities being organised for throughout this week. There will also be an opportunity for parents to visit during the school day. We will communicate more details in next fortnight's newsletter.
Following our Easter Raffle at the end of term 1 where eight Easter hampers were given out, it's pleasing to note that our profit for the raffle was $184.00. A big thank you to the community for supporting this fundraising event, especially to our fundraising coordinator, Leanne. These funds will go towards a new swing in the secondary playground.