Foundation News 

Welcome Back to Term 2!


Today Foundation children began their gymnastics sessions. They had lots of fun developing their skills and especially loved jumping into the foam pit! A reminder that gymnastics continues every Wednesday with 7th June being the last session. It is recommended that children wear shorts or pants on a Wednesday rather than a dress.


Teddy Bears Picnic

Foundation students had a wonderful time celebrating the end of term one! Students along with their teddies enjoyed listening to the picture story book ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’ and completed a position/location Maths lesson before going on a bear hunt around the school.

Ball Sports Day


This term in Reading, Foundation children have been developing their comprehension skills by retelling texts. Children can practise this strategy at home after reading a text or listening to someone read by using their ‘Retelling Bookmark’. This bookmark will be in your child's Reader Bag tomorrow!