Year 9 News

Maddy McQueen & Joanne Merryfull | Year 9 Coordinators

Welcome to Term 2!


Firstly, well done to our fabulous Year 9 students for their efforts in Term 1. We had a big one with Morrisby Testing, NAPLAN, various sporting events, and the general challenges of a new school year.


This term won’t be very different with multiple events and opportunities coming up for our Year 9s.


Morrisby Interviews:

  • Some students have already had their interviews, but for those who haven’t, they will be given the chance to discuss their results with external career experts. These interviews will give the students the opportunity to discuss their future career possibilities according to the testing they completed at the start of the year. This is a fantastic opportunity for our Year 9s as it will provide them a little guidance on potential careers and subject selection for 2024.

Important Dates:

  • May 11th - Black Ranges Cross Country
  • May 17th - Student Free Curriculum Day
  • Thursdays from May 18th - June 15th  - Yr 9 Snap Fitness Sessions
  • May 19th - Intermediate State Tennis Titles
  • May 22nd - Black Ranges Athletic Carnival
  • May 26th - Black Ranges Intermediate Girls Netball, Black Ranges Intermediate Boys AFL

Uniform Reminder

  • This is just a little reminder that as we are now moving into the cooler months, the winter uniforms will be back out. Please ensure that you are only wearing Horsham College uniform (no Kathmandu jackets or external beanies). We understand that you may want to wear a long sleeve shirt under your uniform and this is ok as long as it is white or navy, and not a hoodie.
  • The Year 9s have been pretty good with wearing the correct uniform so far, so please keep it up!

Values Awards: A big well done to Breanna Martin and Tyler Marlow for receiving the most values awards so far this year! These students were awarded with a canteen voucher each at the Year 9 Assembly last week. Keep representing the school values of Care, Collaboration, Commitment and Character 😊


Looking forward to another great Term!