Alternate Programs

Liam Offer - Assistant Principal VCM VM

Welcome back to students and families.

Term 2 brings a change of seasons and a bigger challenge for some students to get to school. If this is the case for your child, can you please reach out to staff to see what can be done to assist getting your child to school.

Absences – If your child is away for any reason can you please reach out to their teacher to inform. This way we can keep a track of absences and therefore not allow it to affect the educational outcomes of your student.

Transition – Some students are beginning to transition to different programs based on their own individual journey. If there are any concerns or problems that arise, can you please communicate these to the appropriate person. If this is something you wish for your child, can you please get in touch.

If there are any issues surrounding your child and their education can you please reach out for support. We will endeavor to do anything we can to support you and your child.


Blue Group completed Still Life Artwork with Horsham Art Gallery: Artist-in- Resident: Shane. 

They explored perspective, shading and shaping, as well as different usages of pencil work. 

They finished up by looking at the Ted Hanson’s Photography excursion and touring Horsham, examining street and silo artwork.