Sports News

Jason Revell & Lianna Itajahy | Sports Coordinators

Black Ranges Girls Football

On Friday 28th our Senior & Intermediate football teams travelled to Dudley Cornell Park to play in the Black Ranges Competition, it was great to be able to offer this to our students as many of them have been or are in our AFL Academy.

Our Senior Girls did an amazing job winning three out of their four matches, the game they lost was only by four points.  Despite not progressing to the next level all girls really enjoyed the day despite it being cold and wet, Well-done Senior Girls on your efforts and to those girls in Year 12 we hope you enjoyed your last chance to play school football.



The Intermediate Girls will progress to the next level as they were able to win all their matches comfortably.  The team was able to handle the wet and windy conditions well.  Congratulations to all players involved and we look forward to taking you to Warrnambool on Tuesday 23rd May to play in the Greater Western Region Competition.


Black Ranges Junior Girls AFL 

On Monday 1st May we took two Junior Girls teams to play in the Black Range Competition at City Oval.

The girls played three games for the day which included an all-Horsham College game 1st up to get the day started, Horsham College A defeated Horsham College B.


Our A team went onto comfortably defeat HTLC and St Brigid’s in their remaining two games and qualify for the next level.


Special mentioned must go to the Horsham College B team who had to play short your determination and enthusiasm was exceptional well to these girls you never gave up and it really looked like you enjoyed yourselves.  Thanks to HTLC and St Brigid’s for loaning a few players to help with numbers.