Year 11 News

Tim Pitt & Ebony Tate | Year 11 Coordinators

Dear Year 11 students and families,


We hope this message finds you well-rested and ready to dive back into the academic year. The term break provided us all with a chance to rest and recharge, and we are now ready to tackle the upcoming challenges with renewed energy and enthusiasm.


We are excited to see what you will achieve this term, and we are confident that with hard work and determination, you will make great strides towards your goals. Let us work together to make this term a productive and successful one.


Key upcoming dates.


Unit 3 Exams Week 7 – starting the 5th of June.


Unit 1 Exams Week 8 – starting the 13th of June.


Student free days – 17th May (VET students need to attend VET) and the 9th of June.


King’s Birthday (Public Holiday) - 12th June



We would like to remind everyone that wearing school uniform is always mandatory during school hours. We have noticed an increase in the number of students disregarding this rule.


Wearing school uniform is not only a requirement, but it is also a way to represent our school and community with pride. It promotes a sense of belonging and unity among students.


We understand that personal expression is important, but school uniform provides an equaliser and creates a professional atmosphere that is conducive to learning. It also eliminates the stress of choosing what to wear every morning, which can be a distraction from academic pursuits.


If you require support for any reason in obtaining uniform, please contact the Year 11 team.



If your child is absent we request that you contact the school either via the Absence Hotline on 5382 1191, a signed note or SEQTA message. Form group teachers will be in touch if your child has an unexplained absence to ensure your child’s attendance is up to date.



Year 11 biology students are learning about body systems. They have enjoyed dissecting piglets and kidneys to visualise different structures and how they work.