Principal's Report

Ms. Meg Woolford | Acting Principal

Welcome Back

Welcome back to Term 2. We have had a great albeit later start to Term 2, with students not starting until Wednesday. At the end of Term 1, we farewelled Mr. Steve Bruce as he begins his retirement and Miss Annabelle Wilson, who is taking maternity leave. On behalf of the College, I wish both Steve and Annabelle to very best with the next chapter. 

Horsham College School Captains Harriet Overman and Ollie Hier participated in ANZAC commemorative services on ANZAC Day. The Captains laid a wreath on behalf of Horsham College and read a letter. We also laid a wreath on our Dimboola Road site adjacent to Maroske Hall to pay our respects. 


Grade 6 Information Evening 

Wednesday the 3rd was Horsham College’s annual Grade 6 Information Evening. It was a fantastic evening, and the quality of the displays and presentations made me even prouder to work and be a part of Horsham College. Thank you to all of the staff who assisted either in setting up, attending or presenting on the evening. In particular thank you to the Year 7 Team, led by Shannon Argall (Assistant Principal), Susan McKenry (Year 7 Leading Teacher), Cam Bruce and Gareth Hose (Year 7 Coordinators) and also to Heather Deayton, our Transitions Coordinator. I much also thank the parents, guardians and students who attended. As mentioned on the night, I encourage you all to take a tour of the school when classes are running, to help you in making that decision of which school. If you are unable to attend a scheduled tour, please contact our administration office to arrange another time. 

Student Free Curriculum Day Wednesday 17th May (Week 4)

On Wednesday the 17th of May, Horsham College will be having a Curriculum Day (student free). VET classes and buses will run as normal. Students who attend VET on Horsham College Campus are to note that the Horsham College canteen will not be open on this day. 


Attitudes to School Survey (AtoSS)

We value student voice as a means to improving student engagement, wellbeing and quality instruction and are conducting a survey is one of the ways to find out what our students think of their school. 

The Attitudes to School Survey an annual student survey offered by the Department of Education to assist schools to gain an understanding of students' perceptions and experience of school. Students will be asked about their thoughts and feelings in relation to their school, their learning, peer relationships, resilience, bullying, health and wellbeing. We will be starting the survey in the coming weeks. 


Finally, I want to wish everyone a great Term 2.