On Wednesday 3rd of May, Healesville High School opened its doors to prospective parents and families.  We were pleased to welcome a large group of  people keen to explore and learn about our vibrant school community. 

The formal presentation outlined some of the unique and special aspects of Healesville High School that make it such a amazing school.

Additionally, the displays set up for the English, Maths, Health, Physical Education, Outdoor Education, Science, Art, Technology and Foods domains, Camps, Production, Wellbeing, Instrumental Music, the Talbot Room, Senior School and more demonstrated just what a busy and productive place it is. 


On the night, over 50 student helpers worked within displays, took part in band performances and acted as tour guides. Seeing so many students willing to  volunteer their time and willing to share their obvious pride in our school also reinforced what an amazing and supportive community we have. 

A big thank you to all of the staff and students who assisted on the evening and made it such an exceptional event.