Assistant Principal News

Sub School News


On Friday 28th April, I had the privilege of taking our four School Captains to the Seaford RSL for their annual ANZAC Day Schools Service. This is the first time they had done this since pre-COVID. Our Year 1 students, along with the help of our art teacher Ms Gardner, created a hand made wreath to lay at the service. This wreath was created with the hand prints of our year 1 students. Our school captains did a great job representing our school on this day.




Today we had our Mother’s Day stall and a special Mother’s Day breakfast (Friday 12th May) to say a big thank you to all the wonderful mums out there! 



Next Monday 15th May we have a curriculum day, so no students will be present at school. Please reach out to Big Child Care if you require supervision for your child on this day. Tuesday 16th May is Education Support Day and we will be paying a special thanks to all our wonderful ES staff that support our students each and every day.




                                                                     Jacqui Sampson

                                                                    Assistant Principal

                                                                       3-6 Sub School


                                                                      Sharleen Nason

                                                                    Assistant Principal

                                                         F-2 Sub School and Specialists