Principal News

I would like to take a moment in this edition of our newsletter to acknowledge and celebrate mothers, and the special people that provide care, guidance, inspiration and support to our students. I have just had the pleasure of seeing some wonderful drawings that our Foundation students have been doing for their mum's and special grown ups in their lives and this reinforced with me just how appreciated you are. Today (Friday 12 May) had a Mothers Day Breakfast that was a part of our Breakfast Club program. We also had our Mother's Day stall running throughout the day, where students could purchase a gift for their mum or special grown up(s) in their life. I would like to wish a very happy Mother's Day to all of the mums and special grown ups who are part of our school community. I hope that on this day you can feel treasured for everything that you do to support your familiy and those that you care about.


Mum's smiles can brighten any moment,

Mum's hugs put joy in all our days,

Mum's love will stay with us forever and touch our lives in precious ways...

The values you've taught, the care you've given, and the wonderful love you've shown, have enriched my life in more ways than I can count.

I Love you Mum.


Next week on Thursday 16 May we will acknowledge our Education Suppot Staff. We have a dedicated team of Education Support staff who play an important role in supporting our students and running our fantastic school. I would like to express my gratitude to our Education Support staff and encourage you all to do or say something to show them how meaningful they are to us.


We have Grandparents/special person day happening on Wednesday 17 May. This has been a long standing and special event on the Banyan Fields calendar and we would love to see as many Grandparents and special people as possible come along and get involved in the day.