From The Office

General Office

Office hours are:  8:30am - 4:00pm

Telephone: 03 9873 1551


Parents/Guardians should always make contact with the School Office first when visiting the school or trying to make contact with their children.

Second-Hand Uniform Shop

Late Arrival/Absences

If your child arrives late all students must present to the school office so that the office can record accurately the student's arrival, and a late pass will be provided.  


When notifying the school of a full day absence, we ask you to please do so via Compass. Please do not record late/early leaving in Compass but rather phone or email the office and student's classroom teacher.

Medical Forms

Mitcham Primary School are committed to ensuring that we continually seek to achieve best practice in all aspects of keeping your student safe.  Should your student require the administering of medication while at school we now  require the medication be supplied in a blister pack with the correct student name.  The chemist can provide this service for you. This will ensure the safe administering of all medications to our students.   


Please ensure that your child’s medical forms are up to date, as this information is updated annually. If there are any changes to your child's medical condition or treatment, please provide the school with updated information.


You can also assist us by ensuring you keep us up to date with any changes throughout the year.