
Harmony Day

Edenhope College celebrated Harmony day on Tuesday 21st March. To commemorate the day, we partnered up with Ms Thornton and the Foundation and Grade 1 students to create some art that represents togetherness.

Mason - Yesterday it was Harmony Day. We did finger painting with foundation and ones. it was a really good day


Lily - we did painting with the little kids for Harmony Day. We painted our hands and then pushed our hand onto a paper plate, we let it dry and then we painted an orange border then put it up on the wall.


Adelle - On Tuesday the 21st we got paired up with a foundation or grade 1 student. We had to paint our partner's hand with orange paint, then they pressed their hand on a paper plate. Then they painted around the paper plates and we had to paint our own hands to stamp our handprints on a different paper plate then we painted around our paper plates.


Ivy - Yesterday it was Harmony Day. We painted the F/1s hands and my partner was Harrison Kelly.We did it because Harmony Day is all about teamwork.


Finn - Yesterday we made orange hands with the F/1's. It was Harmony Day. It was so fun the F/1’s had a blast.

Ayla - Yesterday we did hand painting for Harmony Day. It is all about working together. I was working with Ella Scott. She  liked it , she said and I also think it was fun. That is what we did for Harmony Day this year in 2023. 


Anakie - Me and my buddy. I am painting her hand and she push it on the plate and I painting my hand and I did it too. We are painting the outside of the plate. Her name was Winslow and my name is Anakie


Bailey M - Yesterday we went to the foundation/one class and got paired with one. I got paired with Roy. First I painted Roy’s hand and got him to place his hand on a paper plate. Then he went to wash his hands. Then I painted my own hand and put my handprint on my own plate. Then we were finished. 


Chloe - Yesterday we painted our buddy’s hand orange. We stamped our hand on a paper plate and painted around the plate in orange too. I helped my buddy stamp her hand on the plate. 

Well done to the 5/6 students who showed great leadership skills whilst helping their friends in F/1. 

Miss Pearson

Book Reviews

The 5/6 students have begun creating book reviews for our books in the library. The aim is to, one day, have a review for each book in the library. The 5/6 students will continue to do this each time they finish reading a book. 

Miss Pearson

F-1 Paper Planes

Recently the F-1 class with Mr McLeish learned how to construct their very own paper plane. The class then went outside to see how they would fly. After a couple of practices Will's plane managed to fly the furtherest. 

Primary Assembly

Congratulations to the following students who received awards at the last Assembly:

Being Safe

F/1 – Marley

 for always making sure she has enough room for dancing and giving other their personal space

2/3/4 - Zoe

for always making sure she has enough room for dancing and giving other their personal space.

5/6 – Bailey M

 for consistently making good choices.

Being Respectful

F/1 - Dusty

for using his manners and helping other students during dance class.

2/3/4 – Caleb

for hold doors open for students and teachers.

5/6 - Chloe 

for always trying her best and giving others the opportunity to do their best.


Willing to Learn

F/1 – Harry

for listening carefully to and following instructions.

2/3/4  - Jackson

for stepping out of his comfort zone during dance lessons.

5/6 - Adelle

for creating a creative, inspired and informative PowerPoint on Europe.


Kya for consistently displaying an excellent attitude to her learning and using her creative flair in Technology – Textiles.


Year 2/3/4 Respectful Relationships

 Zoe Hartas for displaying a caring and supportive nature during Emotions Unit– We are Respectful


Year 2/3/4 Humanities

Xion Enriquez for demonstrating a willingness to learn and try his best during Floral Emblems Unit – We are Willing to Learn


Year 5/6 Humanities

Bridie for creating a creative, inspired and informative PowerPoint on Europe – We are Willing to Learn



During the week the Foundation class got to spend some quality time with their Year 5 buddies.