Art & Stem

Students have been very busy in Art during Term 1! Year 8 created some amazing wire sculptures. They were tasked with replicating any object they wished and creating a version of it using only various gauges of wire and some pliers. They did a fantastic job with sculptures ranging from cars to vases of flowers.
Year 8 also looked at the work of Surrealist artist Rene Magritte and created their own paintings of surrealist eyes based on Magritte’s work “The False Mirror”,1929. The whole class made a great effort to complete their paintings and it was a delight to see such individual interpretations of surrealism.
Year 5 & 6 also displayed their creative individuality with cake slice sculptures. The aim was to try and make a semi-realistic looking cake slice after viewing the work of many artists that use food as their subject matter. Students made their slices out of cardboard and generous amounts of jointing compound to replicate the look of icing. Each student had a go of piping “icing” onto the top of their cakes before using the 3D printers to create realistic looking strawberries and cherries to add the finishing touches. They really enjoyed this task and did an excellent job.
More recently Year 5 & 6 completed the challenging task of using one point perspective in their landscape paintings. It is a tricky concept that we take for granted when viewing images but 5 & 6 students made a fantastic start to learning about how to compose images in a more realistic manner.
Primary students have been equally busy in their STEAM lessons with year 2, 3 & 4 exploring circuits. They initially completed a challenge where all the elements were provided and they had to work out how to light up an LED. They were so pleased with themselves when they accomplished it! Earlier in the term, they also explored light and created coloured shadows.
Year 11 Art students have been hard at work and now halfway through Unit 1. They started the term in the pottery shed exploring ceramics creating coil pots before designing 3D printed vases which will be used to create slip cast pottery versions later. Currently they are completing a variety of photography projects including still life studio photography and experimenting in the darkroom with images created with a pinhole camera.
Miss Georgina Campbell