Year 4 Spotlight

Inquiry: Democracy Incursion
The Year 4 students participated in a Democracy Incursion. We learnt about how Democracy works. We learnt that Democracy is fair. We learnt about voting, preferences, and what absolute majority means. Councils make decisions by voting. We heard speeches from candidates, and we got to vote in a pretend election.
We were asked these questions:
“What is your name?”
“Are you allowed to vote?”
“Have you voted in this election before?”
We filled in a sheet that had boxes on it. We numbered each box according to each candidate we liked.
We participated in a pretend council meeting. We learnt that Councils make rules and laws. We learnt about how councillors and the Mayor are voted in.
~ Written by Rose, Rosie, Nick, Evan and Will, 4C
Writing: Memoirs
I was in the car, late at night. I was too excited to rest or close my eyes. I just sat there, too thrilled to move. Glimmering lights shone before me and my family’s eyes in the darkness, as vehicles and street lamps passed. It was as if we were in space.
I looked at the silhouettes of the buildings in the beautiful starlit night sky, and thought about the saddest thing that happened to me.
~ Writtten by Tilly, 4A
When I joined my first world in minecraft, I was so amazed by my surroundings. There were trees and snowy mountains.
I started mining an underground house, under a tall tree. I could see it from far away.
~ Weston, 4A
There were fairy lights and a big cool dark green grass area. It was an amazing bright night sky. It looked magical with the moon, and all the stars surrounding it. It was beaming with light.
We partied for a while, the music was so loud I couldn’t hear my own voice. Lights were moving everywhere.
When the cake arrived, it was at least four whole layers. It looked delicious.
~ Penny V, 4A
Maths: Measuring Length and Height
This term we have been learning about measurement. We’ve covered length, width and height. To help our learning we all researched an animal’s height or length. We then stuck a picture of the animal’s real-life height on our wall. We used a measuring tape to make sure they went in the correct spot for their actual real life height.
I (Amelia) researched a Capybara, they are 62cm tall.
I (Beatrice) researched a North American Elk, they are 2.3 metres tall or 230 centimetres.
~ Amelia and Beatrice, 4B
Harmony Day
The theme this year was ‘Everyone Belongs’. At FPS we participated in lots of different activities on Harmony Day, e.g., disco, obstacle course, making friendship bracelets, etc. The disco was playing music from different countries. The friendship bracelets were made by weaving wool. We watched some videos and read books that related to the theme of Harmony Week. We also created some posters about how we can make sure everyone belongs at FPS. We had lots of fun!
~ Mael and Ivy, 4B
~ Year 4 Teachers (Chiara, Jade & Elise) and Students