School Council Report

School Council Report
School Council met on Monday 27 March – after the FPS Annual General Meeting. Below is the corresponding report for the meeting.
Acknowledgement & Thanks
Paul acknowledged and thanked outgoing councillors, on behalf of the School Council and the school community, for their enormous contribution.
Louise Curie has served on School Council for three years, as Treasurer for the last two years, and on the Community Committee before that. As Treasurer, Louise has made a difficult financial task seem easy, has made financial reporting accessible to all councillors and has been committed to ensuring that robust financial processes are in place at FPS.
Allison O’Connell has served on the School Council for two years and has also served as President. Allison’s leadership has been a source of support and positivity through some difficult and demanding times – including COVID and the School Review. Allison’s calm, supportive and proactive approach will be greatly missed.
Andrew Vance has served on Council for four years and has also served as Vice President. Andrew has made a significant contribution, particularly leading the work of the Building and Grounds Committee. As Paul said, Andrew ‘gets things done’. Andrew has led the mission for FPS to become a net zero school. His leadership and tireless efforts has delivered many wonderful benefits to the school including shade sails in the playgrounds, solar panels, and water tanks. And we don’t think Andrew has missed an FPS working bee yet!
Ian ten Seldam is all about the Social Club! Ian has not only been a valuable member of the School Council and as Paul said, Ian has revamped the Social Club and breathed new life into it. Ian has led with great dedication and diplomacy to pull off so many fantastic school events over the last couple of years… think Welcome and End of Year School Picnics, Election Day Sausage Sizzles, as well as supporting other FPS events in some capacity – Ian has been instrumental in making them happen.
Sarah Glass has served on Council for the last four years and has also fulfilled the role of Secretary. As Paul said, Sarah is dependable, reliable and has been the glue on the School Council. Sarah has brought a balanced view to discussions and has executed the role of Secretary with distinction, ensuring meetings run smoothly and in order! Sarah’s knowledge and wise counsel in school governance matters will be greatly missed.
All outgoing councillors have given outstanding service to the school and taken on significant leadership positions. All have made enormous contributions of time and energy and have been committed to having the best interests of the children at FPS at the heart of decision-making.
Appointment of Office Bearers
New parent councillors were welcomed to Council. The 2023 School Council parent members:
- Daniel Freer
- Hayden Gyles
- Frans Jungerth
- Nat King
- Emma McDonald
- Regan Richards
- Bel Schenk
- Michelle Schwensen
Appointment to office bearer positions were made:
- President – Regan Richards
- Vice President – Michelle Schwensen
- Secretary – Nat King
- Treasurer – Daniel Freer
Councillors were appointed to one of the four sub-committees (Finance, Building and Grounds, Policy and Social Club).
Parents are welcome to attend sub-committee meetings. Meetings are advertised in the school newsletter and in the ‘Next Week at FPS’ communications.
FPS Buildings Masterplan
School Council reviewed the Buildings Masterplan. It was noted that many of the priorities have been completed, such as Kaans Winya (our indigenous garden), the junior playground, the Year 3/4 building, the netball court upgrade, and the Fig Tree Courtyard development.
The next stage in the Masterplan is to tackle the asphalt courtyard area near the Big Kids’ playground, along with other projects planned by the Building and Grounds Committee.
FPS Fair
Social Club gave an update on Fair preparations and noted the outstanding organisation led by Natalie Henderson and supported by the Fair Committee.
And what a spectacular day it was! School Council thanks Natalie, the Fair Committee and all volunteers who made the day such a great success. The fair is usually organised over many months, but Natalie organised the fair in record time!
School Events
Social Club also announced two upcoming school events.
- Mother’s Day & Special Person's Breakfast – 12 May 2023
- Trivia Night – 12 August 2023
As always, the meeting minutes are posted to the school's website for community access.
~ Regan Richards, School Council President