Middle Unit

Miss Mannes and Mrs Rogers

We have had a fantastic term settling into our new classrooms with new teachers and classmates. 

We have had lots of learning and fun-filled activities this term, including casual clothes days, North Melbourne FC visit, Golden Hammer Day, Ride to School Day, ANZAC activity day; as well as Kelly Sports and specialist subjects each week. 

Thanks to everyone for a great term. We hope everyone enjoys their Easter break with family and has lots of fun and relaxation over the holidays!


As their Gotcha reward, 3/4MM celebrated the end of term with a Pyjama day and Movie! 


3/4AR needed a silly photo after the serious school photos!  I can assure parents that the actual school photo did not look like this one!



This term the Grade 3/4 students have been learning about many aspects of Identity; including cultural and personal identities. This has involved looking at different celebrations and how they are celebrated around the world. 

Students did a fantastic job of researching a celebration of their choice and presenting their information in a keynote presentation.

Here are some snapshots of some students’ presentations: