Messages from Mrs Trewick
Messages from Mrs Trewick
Dear Parents and Carers
Term One has come to a close. It is a great opportunity to reflect on the ways we have connected as a community; with our children, families and teachers.
Learning & Teaching
Teachers have worked to bring a new and exciting change to the teaching of English in the classrooms. The focus on Explicit Direct Instruction is most evident in the teaching of reading with Structured Literacy in the Junior Classrooms. Grades 3 to 6 are focussing on alternative spelling and comprehending texts they are reading individually and as a class.
The tutoring program has started with Miss Sortino. Children in Grades 3 to 6 that need support in English will work with Miss Sortino daily. The learning will compliment our commitment to Explicit Direct Instruction across the school.
It was great to be able to provide the opportunity for parents and teachers to connect tor Learning Conversations during Week 9. As partners in learning, it is important that communication between home and school happens regularly.
We have gathered and worked together as a community to fundraise or socialise. Thank you to the Parents & Friends that have brought the various events together.
It was great to have parents and grandparents attend our final assembly and then visit our classrooms. We plan for this to happen on the last Monday of each term.
Building Update
Teachers spent all day yesterday moving resources so that the Pavilion can be restored before Term 2. There are a few items that have been deemed not suitable for student use at school, however, they would be great for a shed or garage. Please keep an eye on our FACEBOOK page for images.
The restoration of the Kildare Centre will begin over the holidays. It will be great to get this space back for our gatherings.
We have experienced some challenges with the restoration of the other classrooms. Stump damage and age is proving to be problematic so we are waiting on a decision for a way to 'build back better'. Fingers crossed we have some answers in the next week or so.
We appreciate that there is an urgency to get access to these classrooms, however, it would be negligent of us NOT to consider future events.
Save the Date:
Cross Country - Wednesday 3 May @ 9.00am - 11.00am
St Joseph's will participate in the ANZAC Day services in Rochester. Our children have a greater understanding of ANZAC Day and why it is important to acknowledge and remember the sacrifices made.
We are so grateful to Rochester RSL members - Cam, Kris and Cade for spending the day at St Joseph's.
Some children have volunteered to participate in the service and to march on Tuesdy 25 April. I will be in touch over the holidays to confirm they are available.
Wellbeing and Mental Health
If you are looking for wellbeing and mental health support for yourself or a member of your family, please don't hesitate to ask. We have a few different avenues we can explore to help you connect with someone that can help.
Each week a child is acknowledged for standing out for their positive influence on their peers at school. The prize for this is lunch with Mrs Trewick. We enjoyed Fish n Chips at lunchtime on Wednesday.
Finally, thank you for your support and patience this term. We hope that Term 2 will provide many more opportunities to connect as our access to spaces improves.
Wishing you and your family a Holy Easter and restful holiday.
Take care and stay in touch.