Assistant Principal's Page

Robyn Petty

Focus of the Week: This week our focus is on Road Safety, and keeping ourselves safe on and near roads.  When crossing roads or near traffic, we need to be very aware of traffic and how to keep ourselves safe.  When crossing roads, we must always look left, look right, listen, then look left again before stepping onto a crossing. If we are not able to use a crossing, it is even more important that we are aware of where the traffic is and how to avoid putting ourselves in danger.  Drivers can't always see pedestrians, so wearing clothing that is reflective is always helpful, especially at

night.  We always need to be aware of how we can keep ourselves safe on and near roads.

Last week our focus was on our Environment, and looking after it responsibly.  We all have a responsibility to put all our waste in the correct bins, not leave it for someone else to pick up or to harm animals. Making use of the 'Return and Earn’ bin and putting appropriate items in this bin also give us money to buy more play equipment!  


Spelling Bee:  We wish our Spelling Bee finalists the best of luck as they compete in the Diocesan Spelling Bee in Wellington next Thursday, 25th May. Congratulations to our representatives:  Year 3: Aavnaya Parajuli, Year 4: Meah Jithesh, Year 5: Dominic Gama, Year 6: Brooke Vaughn


Pupil Free Day!! Don’t forget our Pupil Free Day on Friday 9th June! This is the Friday before the long weekend, so enjoy a 4 day weekend!! 


Athletics' Carnival: We are starting to get excited about our Athletics' Carnival which will be held next Tuesday, 23rd May up at the James Sheahan grounds. This will be the first time we have had a combined carnival from Kinder to Year 6!  All students in Year 2 - 6 will head up to the grounds at 9am to begin the carnival, and our Kinder and Year 1 students will join us by 11am.  It will be great to have all students at the grounds, and this gives us a chance to have lots of combined novelty events.  It is a great chance for families to come and join us, so please feel free to come up to Sheahan and enjoy the day!


Year 6 Canberra Trip:  Year 6 and a number of teachers from McAuley will be heading off to Canberra for the annual excursion tomorrow.  This is such a highlight of the Year 6 year, and we are always very proud of how our students behave and give McAuley Orange such a good name whilst away.   We wish them well and look forward to hearing the many stories and seeing some great photos when they return!


Principal's Conference:  Ms Flynn is currently away at a Principal's conference, returning next week.  We hope she has a wonderful and productive time at this conference, and no doubt, she will bring back some great ideas for our school!


Kindergarten 2024! Our applications for Kinder enrolments for 2024 are still available and families can still book tours  if they haven’t had a chance to see our wonderful facilities.  Ms Flynn is very busy with Kinder interviews, and thoroughly enjoying this wonderful opportunity.  If you know of someone who is considering sending their children to McAuley, especially in Kinder 2024, please let them know enrolment applications are now available both online and at the Office.  Tours of the school and further enrolment information is available on our School number, 6331 3344


Child Safe Standards:  Last issue I spoke about the Child Safe Standards that are in place to support the safety of our children.  Each week we will put information into the Newsletter on one or more of the Standards, so as parents, you are aware of how we go about protecting your children.  If you would like more information on these Standards, please visit  the NSW Government Office of the Children’s Guardian:  This week we will focus on Standard No. 2 


Standard 2: Children participate in decisions affecting them and are taken seriously


Children are safer when organisations teach them about their rights to be heard, listened to and believed. A child safe organisation actively seeks the opinions of children and when doing so considers their age, development, maturity, understanding, abilities and how they communicate. Children are encouraged and supported to regularly contribute to decisions that affect them. 


At McAuley, we value the student voice.  Through our School Councillors, Year 6 Prefects, Mini Vinnies and other organisations, we aim to hear the thoughts of our students and look at how they can make a valuable contribution to our school. But it is not only the opportunities to offer opinion that matter, it is also how student’s ideas and concerns are dealt with by the school that reflects the value given to their voice.  At McAuley we take seriously concerns and contributions made by our students. Issues are followed up and students are encouraged to contribute to the safe and happy environment of the school. Like any family, each member has a right to contribute to the whole family. We are always happy to listen to the thoughts and ideas of all our school community as we discern the best way forward for all at McAuley.


Wishing you all a great week!

Robyn Petty