Student Leadership

Anzac Day Commemorative Service
On Thursday 28 April, six of our Year 7 students from EMC attended the Anzac Day Commemorative Service at the Langwarrin Community Centre. The students assisted in the Service by reading two poems which reflect Anzac Day and laying a wreath donated by the school. One of our students summed it up as follows:
It was an incredible experience to be a part of! I was able to learn more things about the Anzac’s and incredible stories shared by them. If I could, I would do it again! Jordan A7.2.
Year 9 Leadership Camp
We said goodbye to four of our Year 9 students this week who nominated and were successful in being chosen to go to the Gnurad-Gundidj Student Leadership School Program. The program offers a unique residential experience for Year 9 students from across Victoria. The Curriculum focuses on personal development and students focusing on a Community Led Project for their school. Last Term Isla, Monique, Mason and Hudson chose their local project to be the organisation of a market day at EMC in 2024. Expression of Interest for the Year 9 2024 camp will take place in Term 3.