Hello, from Carolyn.

Hello everyone,


Staffing update.

Amy Cecil, who has been filling in for Laura T in F/1T, will be continuing in that classroom for term 2. Laura is taking Term 2 to fully recover from her illness.

Sonia, 2/3D, will be enjoying the joys and challenges of parenthood over Term 2. Amy was to teach 2/3D, but now that she will be continuing in F/1, we have had to advertise for a teacher for 2/3D for Term 2.

We will be interviewing towards the end of the holidays. As soon as we have made an appointment, I will let you know. The successful applicant will receive plenty of support to settle in and get to know the students as Kim Kirkpatrick will prioritise working with the teacher in the room and during planning time, and D Kennedy and David Morrison Blunck will also provide lots of support and information. Sonia has prepared lots of information and documentation to support the teacher too.


Parents and Friends meetings.

Thank you to the parents and carers who came along to one of our 'get togethers' this week and a very big Thank you to Jess White for being the 'mover and shaker' getting it all happening. It's so exciting to have a keen group of people interested in supporting our students and school. Keep an eye out for more information early next term about the next meeting and get together. If you can't attend the meetings, you will still be able to stay in touch with what is happening by reading the notes from the meetings or joining their 'Whatsapp' group.


Often this time of year the weather is often gorgeous with sunny days and cool nights, so I hope you all get some time with your favourite people over the next couple of weeks to enjoy being out in nature. Thank you all for a great first term, see you on Monday 24th April.

warm regards,




Repeat of information-Student free dates to note.

School Council has approved the following student free days. Our OSHC service will operate on these days.

  • Monday 22 May Literacy
  • Wed 7 June Assessment focus (Professional Practice Day) 
  • Tuesday 10 October Maths


School banking details.


Bendigo Violet Street Primary

BSB: 033-688

Account number: 93-1292

Payment reference: use your surname and fees.