Dalet Geography Excursion

Written by Rachel Jasper

Recently, the Dalet Geographers headed out into the field to put their learning into action. 


They visited Etiwanda wetlands and took water samples to determine how healthy the wetlands are. 

It was interesting to see yabbies, frogs, lots of fish and birdlife, but we also saw plenty of dead fish--maybe due to flood recovery in the wetlands. 


Students now know how to conduct turbidity testing and pH testing. We also used a device that measures the conductivity (salinity) of the water. 

They learned how these wetlands are designed to take stormwater run-off, remove the rubbish and pollutants and return clean water to the river system. 


The weather was perfect. Treasures were discovered (Mack found a yabby net) and David almost got nipped by a yabby! 


The students did a risk assessment ahead of time, including what to do if we saw a snake, but thankfully none were seen this time!