Count me in! Watashi Mo!

What a busy start to Term 2! We hope your families have settled into the term.
Mark your calendars…
Saturday 12 August 2023
Watashi Mo is excited to present Huntingdale Primary School's Family Fun Night. Children, parents, and staff are invited to join us for a fun arvo filled with activities, music, food, and more.
Our aim is for everyone to work together to create a sense of community and fun at Huntingdale Primary. It is also a wonderful opportunity to raise much needed funds for our small school's facilities.
We are calling for volunteers and families who can donate their skills and business that would like to set up a stall for the night.
More details to follow!
Hope to see you there.
Colour Run
What an amazing Colour Run we had on Friday 28 April! We hope all the students had a fun time!
Thank you so much to the school, teachers, parent volunteers, SLC, and captains, along with the families that came to cheer our students on, and lastly but not least, all the students who braved the weather!
A big thank you to the volunteers who helped with the snack stall after the event.
We have currently raised $10,713 from the online fundraising. Students can now order their prizes. The online fundraising will close on 19th May, so you have until then to raise money!
Please remember to keep collecting donations, so we will be able to improve our outdoor learning areas.
Thank You!
Thank you to our volunteers for our previous events – Easter Raffle wrapping, icy pole stall, Japanese snacks, Colour Run, and Bilingual Book Fair! Without our families and volunteers donating their time, we would not be able to hold fundraising events for the school.
Upcoming Watashi Mo Events
- Wednesday 17 May – Education Week Morning Tea
- Saturday 12 August – Family Fun Night
Next meeting!
Come join our next monthly meeting in-person on Monday 5 June 8:50am or dial in to our monthly virtual meeting on Monday 3 July 7:30pm if you want to learn more or get involved.
You can also join our private FB group, or get in touch with us on email at