Specialist News

Indonesian Day

Selamat siang, semuanya! It is that exciting time of year again where we can announce that Indonesian Day is upon us! It has a new date this year, Wednesday 24th July! This is Week 2 of this term, so start looking through your wardrobe now! We encourage all students to dress in Indonesian clothes (for example, batik or sarongs) or to wear red and white to represent the Indonesian flag. See the photos below for some ideas!

Indonesian Day is a day where the whole school embraces the culture of Indonesia, and all teachers jump on board to play some Indonesian games, cook food or get creative and crafty! 

Bu Mundy

Indonesian Teacher


Welcome back to school - we hope you have had a relaxing break and were able to recharge with your children. Term 3 is going to start with a bang as we have the first Parent Wellbeing night occuring. It will be held on Wednesday 31st July at 6:30pm.

The purpose of this night is to tie in the wellbeing initiatives that we are doing in the classroom with your home life. This is going to help make a difference to the wellbeing of your children and to your whole family. The focus will be on Character Strengths - our character influences our behaviors, our thoughts and our feelings (no matter our age), so it is important that we understand what our character strengths are and how we can harness them to their full potential.

The scientific research behind character strengths is overwhelmingly positive and the benefits are clear, but that aside we have actually seen first hand the power that they have in our classrooms and in our own lives so we can't wait to share this information with all! 


We look forward to seeing you and sharing this incredible information with you all. Please look out for a notice coming home in regards to this night soon.

With gratitude,

The Wellbeing Team.

PE and Sport News

Welcome back to another fun term of PE and Sport!

Congratulations to Auray on his selection in the Team Vic Bruce Cup tennis team. What an amazing achievement! 

Best of luck to Issac who is participating in the SSV State Cross Country this Thursday July 18th.

Our boys are competing at Terrara Park on Wednesday July 17th in the Division Soccer Finals. Good luck to these boys.

Senior House Athletics is planned for Wednesday July 31st at Bill Sewart Athletics Track. Again we need over 20 helpers so if you are available, please send me an email via Sentral or indicate YES on the permission form that will be sent home this week.


Thank you,

Cassie Brisbane.