Discovery Centre
Welcome Back!
Welcome back to Term 3! We hope you all had a relaxing break over the holidays as we have another exciting term ahead of us in the Discovery Centre, with lots of activities to look forward to.
Term 2
It is hard to believe it is Term 3 already! We finished Term Two by reviewing many concepts such as place value, when we made our delicious place value breakfasts, showing our understanding of tens and ones. In Literacy we wrote an imaginary recount about a holiday we would love to take. We were also very excited to finally meet all of the 70 codes!
Term 3
This term we have lots of exciting things in store for Foundation. This week we celebrate NAIDOC week where we will be immersed in many Indigenous Australian activities. Our Guided Inquiry topic for this term is Social Justice, where students will learn about fairness and friendship. After learning all 70 of the codes we will now be starting ‘codes groups’ where we will be using the knowledge of the codes to help spell unfamiliar words. In Writing we will be introducing dotted thirds to practice the development of our letter formation and sizing.
Term 3 will see our Take Home Toy program continue, with the inclusion of a weekly Sharing Time topic for all students, which will be starting in Week 2. Keep an eye out in the orange folders this week for more information. We are also look forward to our P.M.P. sessions which will continue this term on Mondays. Thank you to the parents who volunteer their time, as the program could not happen without you.
Have a wonderful week.
Miss Katrina Chooi, Miss Erin Dawson, Miss Jessica Tossell, Mrs Sam Tang.