Principal's Report
Aussie of the Month
It was my pleasure to award the Aussie of the Month for June to Paxton from 3/4 in Assembly last term. Paxton is a supportive peer and cooperative teammate, who strives to do his best in all areas of his learning. He always show responsibility and organisation by being consistently ready to learn. Paxton notices when his classmates need assistance, and quietly offers to guide them through unfamiliar tasks. He does not expect to be rewarded for his kindness, and could be labelled as a ‘quiet achiever’. Due to Paxton’s caring and helpful nature, he is respected by his classmates and a friend to many.
Paxton is polite, patient and always upholds the school values. He is willing to share his ideas and ask questions after making a smooth transition into the Senior School. Paxton has developed independence in Grade 3, especially throughout our swimming program. He was continuously spotted helping others to buckle their seatbelts or locate their belongings.
Outside of the classroom, Paxton acts as a role model in the important position of a big brother. He is also an avid fisherman and has shared his knowledge about the Blue Fin Tuna throughout our sustainability unit. Mount Pleasant Road is lucky to have Paxton as a member of our school community.
Parent Maths Night
The second of our annual Parent Maths Night was a huge success with very positive feedback from all families. It is wonderful to know how much parents all appreciated staff leading them through typical Mathematics learning tasks that happen everyday in class. The focus was also on developing a 'growth mindset'and realising there is 'no such thing as a Maths person'. The tasks that are presented to students allow for everyone to engage and take the task and their learning as far as they can. Collaboration and working with peers is definitely a strategy where, often students through justifying their process or proving their theory are consolidating and learning new concepts in a very engaging way. Look out for our Parent Wellbeing Night coming up soon which will highlight some of the positive psychology strategies we encourage students to employ not just in Maths.
Goodbye Haydon and Sue Humphris
Haydon has been working at MPRPS for the past 11 years. He has been a great support in keeping our grounds and buildings maintained over that time. We said goodbye to Haydon at assembly with a gift from the students and then a morning tea with staff.
Sue H has worked in the office for the past 9 years on a Monday and Thursday helping with the newsletter, student certificates, book club, uniform shop, school banking and first aid. We will have Sue H back in so that we can say goodbye to her later in the term. I'm sure our parent community joins with me in wishing them well in their retirement.
Curriculum Overviews
We have a big term planned for Term 3. We kick this off with our Three-Way conferences next week and this week we are celebrating NAIDOC week which this year has the theme of Voice. Treaty. Truth. Let's work together. All classes will be completing work around celebrating Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture. The overviews for each Learning Centre are up on the website and can also be accessed through the Sentral Parent Portal. These cover the curriculum areas that will be covered this term in Mathematics and English, Guided Inquiry and Wellbeing topics and themes including special events. They are an excellent reference for what's happening in your child's class for the entire term.
Lunch Order Service Begins
In response to student and family feedback we will be trialling a school canteen service run by Miss Peppercorn cafe in Blackburn South every Thursday.
This service is starting this week on Thursday 18th of July. It will allow families to place orders online that will then be delivered to school by Thursday lunch time.
The menu provides a range of nutritious hot and cold food choices as well as gluten free options.
Information as well as a Menu was sent home at the end of term, if you require more information please talk to us at the office.
Safe Travel to School
We have new No Standing signs that have been placed in Eugenia Street and will be placed in Lorikeet Street. These signs are to make getting to school safer for everyone.
Families walking along Mt Pleasant Road are encouraged to use the supervised crossings to cross Lorikeet and Eugenia Streets. There are also new KISS & GO signs in our no parking area out the front of the school.
To support the new signage there will be a bit of a blitz from the council, including the issuing of fines.
Please see the attached flyer for more information.
School Council
The MPRPS Annual General Meeting (AGM) was held Thursday 27 June prior to the regular School Council meeting. The AGM is open to all members of the school community. At the AGM, the Annual Report was formally presented. The Annual Report includes a detailed overview of the school's performance in the past year across a range of areas. Parents who were unable to attend the AGM can read the Annual Report on the School Website at
Most School Council members participated in the parent forums at the end of Term 3. This was a great opportunity for School Council to hear first-hand from a broad range of parents. We were pleased to see that some of the issues raised by parents are already among Council's priorities for 2019 (including developing a Master Plan and seeking government funding to improve facilities). The feedback given at the parent forums will continue to inform Council's work in the future.
A recurring agenda item for Council is a rolling review of School and Kindergarten policies. Policies are reviewed (and updated if necessary) by the subcommittee responsible for each area and then presented to School Council for approval. Parents can view copies of the current policies through both the School Website and the Sentral Portal under 'School Policy Documentation'.
Rebecca Smith
School Council President
Chinese Language Club
We have been approached by Happy Valley Culture School to host an after school Chinese-Mandarin Club. Please find the enrolment form below and the flyer with more information in Important Information.
Three Way Conferences
Bookings for the Three Way Conferences occuring next week, where parents, students and teachers meet to discuss the first semester report and goals for Term 3, opened today and will close Wednesday at 5.00pm.
Dress Up Days for Term 3
We will have three dress up days this Term. Indonesian Day on Wednesday 24th July, Book Week Parade Friday 23rd August and SRC Footy Day on Thursday 19th September. More details for these days will be available closer to the time.