Star Of The Week

Star Of The Week


Congratulations to the following students.

Certificates will be presented at assembly.


Prep JK  Kiara MFor giving everything her best go. Keep up the super effort Kiara-Lee.
Prep JT Sahra NFor always being a fantastic little worker and getting her work finished on time. Keep it up superstar!
Prep STDexter WFor showing great improvement in his reading and blowing Miss T away.  Keep it up Dexter.
1MCAaliyah M / Charlie ZFor her hard work at the library this week making up sentences with preposition words. Well done!
1JSNate KFor writing a very persuasive piece on why we should not litter our school yard. Well done Nate!
2JWRuby MFor working hard on her information report this week and for her kind compliments to others in the classroom. Great Job Ruby!
2PWEvie WFor her excellent attitude in the classroom and for the progress she has made. Well done Evie!
34CAleyna H      For putting in a huge effort with your information text poster and presentation. Well done Aleyna!
34DGeorgie WFor displaying great speaking and listening skills during her information report on Echidnas. Well done you superstar!
34OKaylee MFor her wonderful writing on wallabies. Well done Kaylee!
34WMylee LFor consistently giving her best effort and being an all round Superstar!
34ZNash LFor some outstanding improvements throughout this year. Great work Nash!
56CNate CFor not only creating descriptive and persuasive writing pieces but also for providing effective feedback in supporting others to improve their written work.
56ISasha JFor a fantastic result in her Reading Test. Great work Sash!
56SAlyssa JFor approaching her work with a posit