Religious Education News

'And he answered, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and your neighbour as yourself."' Luke 10:27

Family Week May 15-21


Resources for Families at home:

Use these resources with your children at home to reflect on the role of family (and do some fun activities together!)

Laudato Si' Week 

Resources for families

Our School Prayer

Generous God, we ask God to guide us in our journey to grow, learn and flourish together in harmony.

Watch over the people in our community. Give them strength and keep them safe and healthy.

Thank you for giving us the gift of each other and for our classmates who are always helpful to us. 

Help us all to show respect always.

Thank you for creating our families and friends so differently.

Guide us in our work and play and help us to remember that every day is a brand new day.