From the Diversity Leader

Silver linings in uncertain


Hello to everyone! Such uncertain times we

are living in but one thing I am certain of is

that the members of our St Anthony’s

Community have done their best to stay

connected and informed.


In my role as Diversity leader, I often get to

organize things but not actually see them


During this time of remote learning I have had the opportunity to sit in and watch Speech lessons with Ann and Josh.

It has been such a joy to see the interaction between them and the student they are working with. I feel privileged to be able to watch and see the progress from week to week. I have thoroughly enjoyed the before and after chats with the family members present and feel that this is a true example of family and school partnering to support the student in their learning.


During this time I have been connecting with families via Dojo, email,

Google meet or telephone. I am so pleased to hear parents say that although at first it was tricky, their child has the hang of it now and is doing really well -even better when the teachers agree!

I also love hearing parents say, “I didn’t realize my child could do that!”

These are the silver linings, the brightness during a time that can be a bit tricky and even scary. Let’s focus on these and together we will move forward as a strong, connected community.

Stay safe!

Susan Kubiak