News From Around The School
Years 7 and 8 Technology - Metal
The Years 7 and 8 Technology - Metal class have been busy in the workshop carefully crafting and assembling their assessment task; a garden hand spade.
Now complete, students are using the remainder of the term to complete smaller projects that further develop their metal work knowledge and skills.
New Drama Club
A new drama club recently established by the effervescent Ms McCluskey has already seen quite a few students get involved.
Club members participate in a range of theatre sports and games and are working on producing a skit for the WWHS Showcase event in August. The Club meets every Tuesday at lunchtime in Room 1. Everyone is welcome.
Do you have a library book at home that's overdue?
Maybe you're not sure when or how it appeared?
Miss Cuddigan has placed a basket in the front office entrance that will stay for a few weeks. This is your chance to return books anonymously! No one will even know.
Year 7 & 10 Buddy Program
Year 10 students, who have been participating in the buddy program for Year 7 students, were acknowledged at assembly this week for the important contribution they have made. Year 7 Adviser, Mr James Vella thanked the Year 10 mentors for assisting in helping make Year 7 students' transition into high school a more pleasant experience.
Pictured - Year 10 mentor, Ashleigh Ross (left) with her mentees, Sarah-Jane Horne (middle) and Lindsie Lonnen (right).
Eisteddfod Capers
Recently we had six students participating in drama, music and dance segments at the Narrabri Shire Arts Eisteddfod. Music teacher Mr Vella, together with Mrs Schwager assisted the students in their preparation and commended the students on the quality of their performances.