Important Dates
Sunday 23rd June - Stage 5 Excursion Departs at 7.30am
Monday 24th June to Friday 28th June - Stage 5 Excursion to Brisbane
Friday 28th June - Stage 5 Excursion Returns - Parents will be updated on arrival time
Tuesday 25th June - Early Morning School Breakfast - Every Tuesday - 8.15am to 8.45am
Wednesday 26th June - After School Homework Centre - Library - 3.30pm to 4.30pm
Tuesday 2nd July - Year 12 Student Fundraiser - Beanies for Brain Cancer
Tuesday 2nd July - Premier's Debating Challenge - Hosted by Wee Waa High School
Tuesday 2nd July - Early Morning School Breakfast - Every Tuesday - 8.15am to 8.45am
Wednesday 3rd July - After School Homework Centre - Library - 3.30pm to 4.30pm
Friday 5th July - Last Day of Term 2
Friday 5th July - Stage 4 and 5 Students Receive Half Yearly Reports By Hand
Thursday 25th July - NAIDOC Celebration Day
Monday 29th July to Friday 9th August - Year 11 Work Placement
Monday 29th to Friday 9th August - Year 11 Work Placement
Wednesday 31st July - Junior School Parent Teacher Interviews
Monday 29th July to Friday 9th August - Year 11 Work Placement
Tuesday 6th August - Subject Selection Night
Monday 12th August to Friday 23rd July - Trial Higher School Certificate
Anonymous Library Book Returns
Do you have a book at home that's overdue?
Maybe you're not sure when or how it appeared?
Miss Cuddigan has placed a basket in the front office entrance that will stay for a few weeks. This is your chance to return books anonymously!
No one will even know.