Student Wellbeing 

Paul Lock

Wellbeing Coordinator

Welcome to the 2023 school year. It’s time to turn our minds and motivations to school demands and success. I’m mindful that the term break has not been a happy time for all people and we hope for better outcomes going forward.


We have welcomed our new Year 11's and welcomed back our Year 12's. We are strongly encouraging the Year 12's to be a positive influence and assist the Year 11's to settle into the routines and rigours of the College. Many people will recall the pranks and prejudices of the past and acknowledge that many new students do not thrive in this atmosphere and have a right to feel safe and supported in their ‘home away from home’.


It’s great to see the tables mixed in the dining hall, and most students attending the Adventure World day together, to build relationships and foster a sense of belonging. We probably all know the dreaded feeling associated with not belonging in a place or situation, and the sense of warmth and ambition associated with a secure sense of belonging.


Students have started with the Open Parachute Program, professionally designed to improve wellbeing and mental health management skills. There are also resources for staff and for parents which will be rolled out over the coming weeks. I’m happy to answer any questions you may have. 


Open Parachute K-12 School Mental health Well-being programs

Stay Safe.


Mr Paul Lock

Wellbeing Coordinator