
Mr. John Ryan - Deputy Principal

This year the College has restructured its Wellbeing Team. The team consists of the following staff. 


These people are the key well-being team members to contact. Please ring the College on 03 5662 4255 or email one of these staff directly should a family have well-being, pastoral or student engagement concerns for their child.




John Ryan

Deputy Principal Student & Staff Wellbeing







Bron Croatto

Student Engagement Leader







Chris Spencer

Pastoral Care Leader







Claire Cassidy

Year 7 Wellbeing Leader







Stephen Ross-Bryant

Year 8 Wellbeing Leader







David Skelt

Year 9 Wellbeing Leader







David Robinson

Year 10 Wellbeing Leader






Richard Muranty

Year 11 Wellbeing Leader








Georgia Townley

Year 12 Wellbeing Leader







Rhiannon Le Busque








Kathy Williams






Child Safety 2023

Priority Objective: 

Mary MacKillop Catholic Regional College and CEO Sale continue to plan for and provide a safe and suitable environment for all students and staff. Child safety and vulnerable adult practices are embedded within the culture of every DOSCEL school and CEO Sale.


Child Safety at Mary MacKillop Catholic Regional College consists of two goals:


GOAL ONE: Ensure effective child safety practices are established within the College


Strategy One  

Continue to ensure the Vision, Mission and objectives of the College have specific reference to Child Safety.


Strategy Two  

Ensure all existing policies and procedures supports the Child Safe Standards 


Strategy Three  

Ensure student voice and avenues for students to raise concerns are age appropriate and accessible


Strategy Four  

Audit where Child Safety is taught in the curriculum and co-curricular activities.


GOAL TWO: Develop and implement a whole school approach to Positive Behaviour


Strategy One  

Development of an agreed set of explicit expert teaching practices that deliver accelerated growth for all students to have a child-safe environment


Transitioning through School

Whether it is starting school for the first time, moving up to a higher year level or embarking on a journey through secondary school, transitioning through school is an exciting time for teachers, parents and students. Likewise, the transition can be stressful and create anxiety for others. 


Please read the article “Transition to High School: A Mother’s perspective. See link. https://mackillopleongatha.catholic.schooltv.me/newsletter-article/7274/52