Catholic Identity and Mission 

Ms Nicole Dudman - Director

Welcome back to the new school year.  A warm welcome to our new students, families and staff. 


It was wonderful to see the new Year 7s start their journey at secondary school on Tuesday.  With big bags full of books on their backs and eager smiles showing enthusiasm and excitement.  We also welcomed back our Year 12 students for their final year of secondary education.  It was nice to see them proudly wearing the Year 12 jumpers this week!


It is one of the things I love about our school – coming back after a break and seeing everyone looking well-rested and full of joy and enthusiasm for a new year.


As I take on this new role for 2023, I feel very blessed and am filled with excitement for the year ahead.


I would first like to introduce my Religious Education team for 2023:

  • Cate Kavanagh (RE Leader) 
  • Scott Blencowe (Student Leadership/Social Justice Animator) 
  • RE teachers from Years 7-12.

There are a few things I want to focus on for 2023.  From our Annual Improvement Plan, I specifically want to focus on our Charism. Ensuring each staff and student at our school knows or is reminded of the story of our Patron Saint, Mary Mackillop.


In Australia, St Mary of the Cross is our national Patron Saint.


Mary Helen MacKillop was born in Melbourne on 15th January 1842. And entered eternal life in Sydney on 8th August 1909. 


Mary took the religious name "Mary of the Cross."  Mary responded to the isolation of colonial families by pioneering a new form of religious life to provide education for their children. 


She and her sisters shared the life of the poor and the itinerant, offering special care to destitute women and children. 


Remembered for her eagerness to discover God's will in all things, for her charity in the face of calumny, and for her abiding trust in God's providence.


I share with you a reflection from a homily by Fr Paul W. Kelly from 2020.


Some wonderful quotes from the Life of Saint Mary of the Cross, Mackillop, give us a taste of her spirituality and faith:


"Whatever troubles may be before you, accept them bravely, remembering Whom you are trying to follow. Do not be afraid. Love one another, bear with one another, and let charity guide you all your life. God will reward you as only He can."


"Find happiness in making others happy."


"We must teach more by example than by word."


"Remember we are all but travellers here."


"Never see a need without doing something about it"


"Do all you can with the means at your disposal and calmly leave the rest to God." 


For most people, it is easy to be gracious when everything is going well.

When people speak well of us and treat us nicely, and everything is going our way. Flowing according to plan, but it takes a saint to be gracious in times of intense difficulty when everything seems to be going wrong.   


Jesus is the model for all saints, and a saint is so named because they allow the person and message (and qualities) of Jesus to shine through their lives and find a home in their actions and attitudes.


Saint Mary of the Cross MacKillop is a wonderful example of that.   It is an absolute miracle of God's grace that such a wonderful woman has been canonized by the church so that Mary MacKillop's life might be an inspiration to Christian discipleship everywhere.


Saint Mary MacKillop's life is also an example of complete trust in God's providence….  But this is not some kind of helpless waiting around and doing nothing …  but rather Saint of the Cross (MacKillop) knew that God's providence was revealed through the love and care of human beings… So, Mary became famous for her attitude (and actions) summed up in that saying I quoted earlier: "never see a need without doing something to help." 


Mary saw a need for education, shelter and for support of those most in need; namely poor children, and destitute men and women... and so set up schools and shelters for people in need….


We can all make a difference by responding to the needs around us and believing that we can make a difference, with God's grace and providence. ….


May Our Lord inspire us to be people of care, compassion, graciousness, and love – to respond to the setbacks and acts of malice in the world the loving way Mary MacKillop did, with compassion and perseverance, and may we also continue to be people of practical action, making a difference to those most in need.


I look forward to working with you this year as we begin to unpack the story of Mary MacKillop who, through her life, shows us how to be true people of faith and an inspiration to the students in our care.


I am currently on Year 12 Retreat at Grantville.  Our Year 12 students have been fantastic. They have participated full-heartedly in all the activities and used the time well to reflect on their journey ahead.   I would like to thank my staff retreat team that took time away from their family to help lead the activities.  I am very grateful to have wonderful staff to work with and have nothing but the student’s best interests at heart. Georgia Townley, Scott Blencowe, Jonathan Bowman, Laura Higgins, Claire Mangs, Beth Winterhalter, and Cassie Raschle.  I also wish to acknowledge the help and support of Bron Croatto, Joanne Knox, John Ryan and John Freeman over the three days.


Have a nice week ahead.