
Welcome back to 2023 and to all our new families welcome to Mary MacKillop Catholic Regional College. It has been great to see students return and looking forward enthusiastically to what will unfold in 2023.


I am yet to speak to every group but will be able to address all students at next week’s whole school assembly. As part of my comments, I include three key messages, the same ones I have given to students over many years. First is to emphasise that I really only have one rule and that is ‘to do the right thing’. I know our students come from excellent homes where they have learned good values, so I feel I do not need to expand on the specifics of striving to model the ‘right thing’ every day. However, I do emphasise that I do not expect everyone to be perfect. We are human and will inadvertently make mistakes, it is part of learning. Therefore, part of doing the ‘right thing’ is when we do something that hurts our relationship with others is to apologise and look to restore the relationship. 


I will also remind the community that I have two expectations – always look to do your best and to look after one another. 


Regarding ‘doing our best’ I will emphasise that I am not expecting anyone to do more than they are capable of achieving, but to simply strive to do give their best effort each day. 


As for ‘looking after one another’ I firmly believe that being at Mary MacKillop Catholic Regional College means that we are members of a community, and all good and successful communities ‘look after one another’. This can be done by simply greeting people when we see them, asking someone who might be feeling down if they are okay, and where possible trying to help. 


I look forward to being part of helping everyone be their best in 2023.


Year 12 Results and Achievers Assembly

As indicated above we will have a whole school assembly where a significant academic achievement from members of the Class of 2022 will be to recognised.


We are proud of the achievements of every student and happy to report that the VCE results were our best overall outcomes since 2008.


Our College Dux was Liam Smart with an ATAR of 96.7


Key results from last year are:

40+ Study Scores – 9.2%, our best achievement on record

Median Study Score for all results was 30


The student ATAR results saw:

  • 16% of ATAR scores above 90
  • 34% of ATAR scores above 80
  • 40% of ATAR are in the top quarter
  • 48% of ATAR scores above 70

The average ATAR is 69.19, up from last year’s 64.84.


A very big thank you to the teachers who have worked so well to get the most out of the students during their time at school. This comes from strong, effective teaching across the board.


There are a number of classes where multiple students have a study score of 40 or more – this only happens when the teacher really understands what is required and has worked hard for their students.


We are proud of our Applied Learners too. There were nine students pursuing applied pathways and all have either secured employment, commenced apprenticeships, gone on to further studies, or are considering their options.


More details will be published in our next Newsletter.


Student Achievements

Congratulations to Kira Waldron (Year 11) for receiving the South Gippsland Young Citizen of the Year for 2023.


Year 12 Retreat

Our Year 12s started classes on Tuesday and then for the remainder of the week, they have been on their Retreat. I was able to visit them last night and it was clear that were enjoying the experience and the opportunity to more deeply connect with peers and staff as they embark on their final year of school.


Thank you to Nicole Dudman for all her work in preparing and leading the retreat and all the staff who have been in attendance throughout as well as those who have visited.


New Staff and Staff News

New Staff MemberRole

Ben Abbott

Physical Education and Health Teacher

Jay Baker

Sports Leader and Physical Education and Health Teacher

Kellie Davis

Learning Support Officer

Michelle Hackett

Mathematics teacher

Belinda Hiddlestone

English and Humanities Teacher

Jason Hiddlestone

English Teacher

Patrick Johnston

Trainee – Learning Support

Anna Kirk

Learning Support Officer (Term 1)

David Skelt

Year 9 Wellbeing Leader, Mathematics, Science and Biology Teacher

Melinda Stephan

Physical Education and Heath, and Humanities Teacher


Returning from Leave

Lynn Mills – Food Technology Teacher


Replacement Teacher 

Di Hancock – taking Mathematics and Science classes for the first four weeks

Joel Dickason – taking French classes


Currently on Leave

Peter Charles 

James Forester

Steve Jenkinson 


Recent Resignations

Kathleen Dauguet

Hope Jenkins

Jack Pearce

Robyn Synan


New POLs

After a review undertaken early last year of the College’s Leadership structure it was determined that whilst existing arrangements worked well, there were opportunities for improvement. Accordingly, based on the review and then the work of the College’s Consultative Committee during term 2 and the first half of term 3 we established a new and expanded range of Positions of Leadership. 


The changes were instituted primarily for four reasons. The first was to ensure that we had senior positions in the school that have a clear focus on our strategic goals: Catholic Identity; Learning and Teaching; Child Safety; Student Well-being; Leadership; and Resources The second reason was that over time the school has evolved and some positions had expanded and were larger than one person could reasonably do at a level that they expected of themselves and the growing needs of the school. The third reason was that we have introduced a number of new programs and these had now developed to a point where they required specific leadership and accountability. The fourth and in many ways the critical reason centered on the need to create new opportunities for staff growth and development. This new structure has more positions than previously with more specific ambits. We have a very talented group of staff at Mary MacKillop Catholic Regional College and this new structure provides an opportunity for all to make formal and informal contributions to improving the learning and well-being outcomes for the young people in our care.


I congratulate all appointees and they are listed below:


Director - Catholic Identity and Mission Nicole Dudman
College Operations LeaderZachary Cox
Pastoral Care Leader Chris Spencer
Student Engagement Leader Bronwyne Croatto
Pedagogy and Student Performance Leader Cade Maskell
Learning and Assessment Leader Laura Higgins
Learning Adjustment Leader Erica Masters
Learning & Teaching Leader - Arts & TechnologyClaire Mangs
Learning & Teaching Leader - eLearningEdson Letendrie
Learning & Teaching Leader - HumanitiesPatrick McCarthy
Learning & Teaching Leader - LanguageRahne Widarsito
Learning & Teaching Leader- MathsLisa Hogan
Learning & Teaching Leader- PE & HealthBernard Lumsden
Learning & Teaching Leader- Religious EducationCate Kavanagh
Learning & Teaching Leader - ScienceDianna Malloy
Learning & Teaching Leader - Vocational Pathways Joanne Knox
Wellbeing Leader Year 7 Claire Cassidy
Wellbeing Leader Year 8Stephen Ross-Bryant
Wellbeing Leader Year 9David Skelt
Wellbeing Leader Year 10David Robinson
Wellbeing Leader Year 11Richard Muranty
Wellbeing Leader Year 12Georgia Townley
Careers Kate Dwyer
Transition LeaderClaire Cassidy
Sports Leader Jay Baker
Cultural Liaison Laura Muranty
Competitions and Events LeaderHamish Duckmanton
Student Leadership/Social Justice Animator Scott Blencowe
Instrumental CoordinatorBeth Winterhalter


Finally, can I please ask that you keep the following people who have passed away as well as their families and friends in your prayers:

Rohan Treacy (Class of 2019) 

Justin Fleming father of Eryk (Year 10)

Joyce Layton mother-in-law of Adrienne Layton and mother of her husband, Tim


Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen


Sapientia Domini Docet Nos

John M Freeman