Principal's Report

By Carolyn Serpell

Welcome to all our new and returning families. We are excited to be back and are looking forward to another great year of learning!

Our first week back at school has started smoothly and it has been lovely hearing how students are settling into their new classes and routines.  On Monday, while showing a regional staff member around our school, it was noted on several occasions how calm and settled everyone was.  They were particularly impressed by the way the Prep students were actively engaging in learning during their first math session!

In order to celebrate the start of a new year, on Tuesday 14th February, we would like to invite all families to join us between 3.30 - 4.30pm for afternoon tea.   The purpose of this event is to provide an opportunity for families and staff to meet and mingle, so please put this date in your calendar.  More information will be provided next week.


As a start of year reminder, can I please ask that all hats be returned to school by next Monday. (If needed, new hats can be purchased from the office.)  We would also appreciate it if families could please send in the red and blue book bags all students were issued when they first started school.  We are very keen to look after our books and these bags not only ensure our books are kept in top condition, but also assist students with their personal organisation.

Next Wednesday we will be holding our annual Cluster Swim Carnival for students in Years 3-6.  As in past years, we will require lots of volunteers to assist with timing and recording.  If you are able to assist, for even a couple of hours, please speak to Steph or contact the office ASAP. Information regarding swimming has been sent home on Compass.   Please ensure that the Compass permission form is completed and the local excursion form (sent home this week) is returned by Monday.  


Please be aware that  as part of the DET mobile phone policy, mobile phones and any other personal device/smart watch which has a phone, audio recording or camera function is not permitted to be used during school time or at OSHC.  If students are required to bring these items to school, they must be handed to their teacher or the office at the start of the day, to be stored in a locked cabinet for safe keeping, until the end of the school day.  If you would like further information or clarification regarding the mobile phone policy, please don't hesitate to ask.


As previously advised, Preps will have a rest day each Wednesday up until the March Long Weekend.  From Wednesday 15th March, students will attend five days a week.


My apologies to those students who were looking forward to Breakfast Club this week, after my announcement on Monday! While Breakfast Club hasn't run this week, it will resume from next week on Tuesday and Thursday mornings.