Deputy Principal

Michelle Hinds

Swimming Program

The F-2 Swimming Program came to an end last Friday and by all accounts, the students enjoyed themselves and learnt many important water skills. Please continue to build upon these skills over the summer months, whilst always supervising your children around water.


Each student has received a Swimming Certificate, so please look out for it in their school bag.

Senior Camp 2023

It's that time of year when we commence forward planning in readiness for the 2023 academic year. This includes preparations for the 2023 Senior School Camp which will be held at Candlebark Farm in Healesville.


The Candlebark Farm Camp will also include a stop over at Healesville Sanctuary.


The dates for the camp are Wednesday 29th - Friday 31st March 2023. The summer holidays provides a great opportunity to have discussions with your child about camp, preparing them for time away from home.


A brief, introductory letter detailing camp information was shared with families via PAM on Monday regarding the 2023 Senior Camp. Further Camp information including a Camp Information Meeting for parents and carers will occur in the new year.


Kool Kidzrock Christmas Concert

It's that time of year where our students who have been engaged in music and singing lessons with Kool Kidzrock, perform at a Mini Christmas Concert. This is an opportunity for our students to showcase their skills and talents, sharing what they have learnt over the course of the year.


We hope you will be able to join us for this concert, which will also coincide with our final Whole School Assembly for the year.


The Kool Kidzrock Christmas Concert and School Assembly are scheduled for Monday 12th December at 12 noon in our school hall. Please ensure you sign in at the office before going to the hall.


We look forward to seeing you there.


Year 6 Graduation

It's hard to believe we are at that time of year already, whereby we prepare our Year 6 students, your children, for their Primary School Graduation. Where has the time gone? 

Growing up, I recall my parents telling me that the older you become, the quicker time flies. How true these wise words are!!


This memorable event is scheduled for Thursday 15th December. We will commence with the Graduation Mass at 6p.m followed by the Graduation Ceremony at about 7p.m, all conducted in the school hall. The students will be sharing a Graduation Luncheon at school on the same day.


The Year 6 students will also be involved in a Fun Day scheduled for Friday 16th December at Spring Park Mini Golf Course in Dingley.


Playground Project News

It is with great excitement that I share the news on behalf of the Playground Project Team, that our new playground drawings have been approved and that the playground is currently being developed. The playground replacing the existing one under the shade sails, will be installed over the Christmas holidays ready for our students to enjoy commencing the 2023 academic year.


Here are a few of the drawings for you to look at.


This would not have been possible without the student voice and agency driven by our team members:         

Year 6 – Delvin, Ekant & Justine

Year 5 - Joseph A & Chantelle   

 Year 4 – Harmony & Jared

Year 3 – Lourdes & Aziz

and our Staff Representative Miss Foster and Parent Representative Ikhlas Odish.


Our team of students consulted other class members as well as the F-2 students during Class Meeting times which continued to promote student voice and contributions. We also met with personnel from SafePlay Australia, the company designing and constructing the new playground. 


Our work will not stop here. We intend to continue with another Playground Project Team in the future to make continued improvements in our playground.


We hope you are as excited as we are and we look forward to everyone using this great resource in the new year.