From the Principal

Felicity Broughton

 Do all that you do with love ~


Dear Parents and Friends of St Therese's Primary School,


Winner winner again!

A huge congratulations to Marcellin in Foundation for a wonderful achievement in the Kid Safe Victoria Farm creative safety competition. Marcellin won first place in the Foundation / Grade 1 category and his poster will be used in 2023 on their Facebook page as part of their awareness program. He will also receive a gift voucher and book pack for his achievement. Congratulations Marcellin!


Staffing for 2023

I am delighted to announce the staffing for next year. I know many of you were saddened to hear that Carmel, Cathy and Samantha are moving on and have reached out to share your good wishes with them. I also know this has left lots of you speculating on what the staffing will look like knowing that there was also movement in the Foundation / 1 learning area. So speculate no more!


Deputy Principal and REL - Michelle Hinds

Wellbeing Leader and Community Hub Leader - Trish Lloyd

Learning Diversity Leader - Rosie Osthmuller


Admin Team - Colleen Johnson and Kerry O'Connell


Foundation / 1 Teaching Team - Maddie Foster, Colleen Kathard and Danielle Phillips

Grade 2 Teaching Team - Shelby Majoinen and Ashleigh Olive / Helen Hancock

Grade 3 Teaching Team - Sharon Evans and Jane Heard

Grade 4 Teaching Team - Jacqueline Bishop / Liz Szabo and Patrick Pawlukowski. Liz will be replacing Meghan Brockman who is still on maternity leave for Semester 1.

Grade 5/6 Teaching Team - Samantha Baillie, Linda Carter / Carlos Sanchez, Rosina Chandra and Caitlin Hall


Music and Performing Arts - Jacqueline Bishop

Japanese - Joy Andrews

Physical Education - Carlos Sanchez

Visual Arts - Catherine Hogan


Education Support Team - Kirsten Beshara, Vanessa Cowan, Mariette El-Khoury, Zvonko Majstorovic, Susan Omond, Kylie Rizzo, Kelli Rutherford and Kelly Taylor


Maintenance - Ivan Stephen

Canteen - Lyn Harris


St Therese's Christmas Concert

Make sure you have this special event in your diaries!! 


Colour Run

We are going to try for a third time! Our Colour Run will be on the afternoon of 16th December, the last day of the school year for students. This will take place during the school day - no out of hours events to take place.

If you had previously purchased your colour run place, this will still be honoured including family members not attending the school.

Student participating in the colour run are encouraged to where a white or light t-shirt. All students may wear coloured clothes on the last day of term.


Canteen News

Just a friendly reminder that today was the last canteen day for the year. Orders cannot be made for Mondays or Wednesdays for the remainder of the year. If your child/ren have regular lunch orders please ensure they have lunch on these days.


Prayerful moment

As we continue our advent journey in this beautiful time of waiting, take some time to reflect on this beautiful song - Christ, be our light by Bernadette Farrell. All too often we get caught up in the busy nature of preparation and forget the true meaning of advent.


Have a great week,

Felicity Broughton
