Assistant Principal Report

"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” 


As we come to the end of the school year for 2022 I would like to acknowledge the many accomplishments we have achieved as a community this year. As a community, we have continued to thrive, and in the busyness of it, all our Brigidine girls have shown a determination to succeed!


Last week the girls had the opportunity to engage in a variety of activities outside of their daily academic and pastoral pursuits. These activities were designed to enhance the girls' relationships with one another through fun and challenging House activities. Our excursion to the city was also designed to enhance relationships through cultural experiences in the heart of Sydney. This was a great community day. 


And finally, as I sign off for the year, I would like to thank the community for their support over the course of the year. It has been a privilege to be part of this community and I particularly take this opportunity to thank the staff for their ongoing support and encouragement and for their genuine care of our girls. I also would like to thank our parents for entrusting your daughters to our care. Finally, I wish to acknowledge the efforts of all our girls this year and thank them for their hard work and dedication. I wish you and your loved ones a blessed Christmas and a restful and peaceful break over the coming weeks.


A reminder that school commences for Years 8-12 2023 on Wednesday, 1 February. 


2023 Bus Timetable 

Bus Routes

All regular route and school bus information can be accessed via 


Parents/ Guardians can utilise the Trip Planner function to identify which route services will take your daughter where she needs to go (remember to toggle the ‘School Bus’ mode option under the ‘Refine’ menu) or download route maps and timetables for both regular route services and school bus services.


For more detailed information on any of these routes, please visit

All students must have a valid School Opal Card or Child/Youth Opal Card to travel on these services. School Opal Cards can be used for free travel to and from school. To be eligible for a School Opal Card the student must: 

  • be a resident of NSW, or an overseas student eligible for free government education. 
  • be aged 4 years 6 months or older. 
  • live a minimum distance from the school. The minimum distance varies according to the year or grade the student is enrolled in that calendar year.

If your daughter is eligible, you may visit the following website to apply:


A reminder that it is essential for all school students to TAP ON and OFF with a valid School Opal Card or Child/Youth Opal Card. Every time a student TAPS ON and OFF, they are counted on the service - when they do not, they are invisible. Transport for NSW watches school service patronage closely to monitor the need for services and those seen with low patronage may be withdrawn. We ask that you encourage your daughter to have her Opal card ready and to TAP ON and OFF every single time she boards a service. 


Julie Norman

Assistant Principal