Wednesday 1 February
Years 9 and 10 students START
Monday 6 February
School Photos (Day 1)
Tuesday 14 February
School Photos (Day 2)
Wednesday 15 February
Year 9 ADP Camp (15 to 17)
Year 10 Holocaust Museum (15 to 17)
Monday 20 February
School Swimming Carnival
Monday 6 March
Thrive Reflection Session
Thursday 9 March
Year 10 Immunisations
Monday 13 March
LABOUR DAY - Public Holiday
Tuesday 14 March
Staff Professional Development Day - Student FREE DAY
Wednesday 15 March
NAPLAN (15 to 21)
Congratulations to all Year 9 and 10 students who received awards and certificates for their achievements in Semester 2.
Year 10 Awards
Friday 2 December
- Year 10 Captains - Olivia Bradshaw, Abbey Vine
- Year 10 Vice-Captain - Noah Vincent
- 2023 Year 11 Captains - Indii Peacock, Olivia Bradshaw
- VCE Subject Award (Physics) - Tristan Dent
- VCE Subject Award (Maths Methods) - Sam Eastwood
- VCE Subject Award (Health and Human Development) - Bethany Whitelaw
- VCE Subject Award (Outdoor and Environmental Studies - Charley Reynolds
- Instrumental Music Student of the Year - Noah Vincent
- Instrumental Music Awards - Academic Excellence and Endeavour
- ADF Future Innovators Award
- Premiers Reading Challenge Award
- Sports Awards
- Female Sports Champion - Keely White
- Male Sports Champion - Joel Tennant
- Outstanding Whole Year Attendance
- Kwong Lee Dow Young Scholars Program – Rhianna Roy
- Long Tan Defence Force Award – Olivia Bradshaw
- Academic Excellence and Endeavour (4 to 6 subjects)
- Thriving in Community Award - Abby Vine
- Principal's Award - Charley Reynolds
- Female Student of the Year – Olivia Bradshaw
- Male Student of the Year – Sam Eastwood
Kwong Lee Dow Scholars Award
Each year the Melbourne University Kwong Lee Dow Scholars Program is made available to the Year 10 students who have achieved at a high level academically, and shown leadership potential in school activities and community work, as well as cultural, environmental or sporting activities.
The program allows successful applicants the opportunity to participate in dedicated academic enrichment events with like-minded students from around the state. It also allows access to the libraries at Melbourne University that will no doubt assist them in their VCE studies.
Entry into the program also offers a guaranteed place at Melbourne University in Arts, Biomedicine, Commerce, Design or Science if the student achieves an ATAR score of 90 or above.
Entry into this program is highly sought after and valued, and we congratulate all our nominees this year.
We are very excited to announce Rhianna Roy as Kwong Lee Dow Scholarship recipient for 2022.
Congratulations Rhianna, we all look forward to seeing you get the most out of this opportunity.
Long Tan Youth Leadership Award
The Battle of Long Tan occurred at the height of the Vietnam War in 1966. It is considered one of the defining moments in Australian military history. The Australian Government announced an award as a tribute to the Long Tan veterans who displayed leadership, determination, teamwork and mateship.
The Australian Defence Force Long Tan Youth Leadership and Teamwork Award started in 2006 and recognises students who demonstrate leadership and teamwork within both the school and the wider local community.
At the same time, they also recognise those that display similar values to the veterans, such as doing one’s best and showing respect for others and mateship, characteristics which are integral to Australian society.
The Year 10 recipient of this award for 2022 has displayed these qualities throughout the year. This prestigious award does come with a monetary value.
We are thrilled to announce Olivia Bradshaw as the Long Tan Defence Award recipient for 2022.
Year 10 Captains' Speech
Noah: This year has been eventful to say the least and as a year level, we’ve had the opportunity to grow and develop our skills, both as students and as young adults.
Olivia: Our first big step in starting Year 10, was having the chance to take on a VCE or VET subject as one of our classes. This was very different from our previous years of schooling and prepared us for the fast-paced and committed environment that accompanies VCE and VET courses. Through this, we were also able to meet new people in the year level above us and make connections with students we may otherwise not have met.
Abbey: One of the most exciting events of the year was Year 10 Formal; a night filled with laughs, dancing, dining and dressing up. We all arrived in shiny limos and vintage cars, super excited and we all looked gorgeous. The music was certainly blasting and even Mr Bourne agreed.
Olivia: This year's school musical production of Mamma Mia was a smash hit and featured a number of Year 10 students in the cast, band and crew. Students Max Caulfield, Tom Carden, Josh Clark, Ayla Harnett, Spencer Durran and myself starred in lead roles of the show, Sienna Benson, SJ Kaden, Anais Pacinotti and Emily Geerling in the featured chorus, Mikayla Neale, Porschia Cooper, Tristan Dent, Rhianna Roy and Lucy Carlos in the chorus and Noah Vincent and Jett James in the band. Congratulations to all students involved in this amazing show!
Noah: Central Australia Camp was the first camp we’ve had the chance to go on since Year 7. It was a long process to get here, with many reschedules and changes made so that we could have the best time, but it all paid off in the end.
Our Year 10 Health and Wellbeing Day was certainly something. We participated in lots of different activities over the day with pizza for lunch. We want to thank all the teachers who spent their time planning and taking part in wellbeing day.
Abbey: We want to give a big thank you to Middle School for putting up with us over the past 2 years and a big thank you to Ms Younger, Mr Bourne, Ms Lee and Ms Kelso our Year 10 Coordination team.
Olivia Bradshaw, Abbey Vine, Noah Vincent
Year 9 Awards
Friday 9 December
- Year 9 Captains - MacKenzie Reid and Sharmika Murphy
- 2023 Year 10 Captains - Taylah-Mae Gundry and Jacob Baldacchino
- 2023 Year 10 Vice-Captains - Dylan Naylor and Ashleigh Dye
- Instrumental Music Awards - Academic Excellence and Endeavour
- Instrumental Music Student of the Year - Cooper Allard
- 2022 Premiers Reading Challenge Awards
- Sports Awards
- Female Sports Champion - Charli Fahie
- Male Sports Champion - Bodhi Shepherd
- Science Awards
- Outstanding Whole Year Attendance
- Academic Excellence and Endeavour (7 to 9 subjects)
- Thriving in Community Awards
- Grade Point Average (GPA) Excellence Awards
- Male Student of the Year - Jadon Aloysius
- Female Student of the Year - Annie Pryke
- Principal's Award - Alannah Bomford
Year 9 Captains' Speech
As 2022 comes to an end it’s a good time to wrap up all the fun, amazing opportunities we have had this year.
For our first official onsite year of high school we have definitely been able to catch up on all the missed events from 2021 and 2020.
Out of all these events the biggest highlight was definitely the Year 9 Tassie camp. At this camp we were able to make new friendships and build stronger bonds with our peers. The activities we did were incredibly fun with lots of memories that we will never forget. The overall favourite activity we all loved was Port Arthur. We were so lucky to be given the opportunity to go to this amazing place, with a guided tour and a fun boat ride.
Without any lockdown, it was definitely an easier year through all our learning. We did not have to worry about the constant worry of being locked up in our houses and being able to access the resources for our learning. We were introduced to electives for the first time, including community time subjects and EIS. Some students also joined the ADP program.
This year we had a Health and Wellbeing Day, which was a break from any stress in our lives. This wellbeing break gave us time to focus on our Health and Wellbeing, connect with our peers and teachers and also gave us a chance to relax and cool down which is a really good thing for all of us.
This year has definitely been a fun and successful time for all of us. We have managed to fit so much into this year such as; lots of camps, sport days, school events, the School Production of Mamma Mia, pizza day and lots more.
2022 introduced us to electives and now we move on to Year 10 with a lot more freedom in our subjects, the introduction to VCE and VET subjects and the opportunity to now meet new people and make new friendships.
On behalf of the Year 9 Coordinators - Miss Asta, Ms Edwards, Miss Iggy and Mrs McGrotty and Ms Kelso, we hope you have a good Christmas and break. Thank you!
Mackenzie Reid and Sharmika Murphy
Happy Holidays
The Middle School Coordination Team would like to wish all Year 9 and 10 students and families, a very Merry Christmas and a happy and safe New Year.
Riana Asta, Michael Bourne,
Cath Edwards, Narelle McGrotty, Zoe Younger, Maddy Ignatiadis, Koriena Lee and Lauren Kelso