Tadhg Waddington's Reflection

Return to Kenya

Between October 28 and November 20 this year, I had the privilege of travelling to Kenya and Tanzania, with a particular focus on St Virgil’s sister school, Edmund Rice Centre Nairobi (formerly Mary Rice Centre). During my stay, I was able to further appreciate and understand the Mary Rice community and its subsequent operations. 


I can proudly say the connection between the College and the Centre remains strong, and as much of Kenya returns to normality from COVID-19, this will only be strengthened as hopefully more of the SVC and OVA community will return to Africa. The staff and students are greatly appreciative of the SVC and OVA communities tireless support for the Centre. 


I personally took many lessons away from my three weeks stay. The number one thing that stuck with me was a quote painted on the front office building.

“We want opportunity not pity”

This resonated greatly with me as it provided me the lens of how complex supporting a centre such as the Mary Rice Centre can be. All students at MRC are not in need of our sympathy, but rather require the platforms to enter into stable employment, pursue further education, or be fed for the first time that day. My Dad, Mark Waddington, had a passion for the Centre that was unrivalled. It is now upon reflection that I understand how important and impactful his work was, particularly in friendship. Rather than perpetuate sympathy, Dad preferred to walk hand in hand with those in Kenya, being a friend first. Listening, respecting and supporting as best saw fit. 


The centre holds a special place in not only my heart, but my Dad’s, the OVA and SVC. The students and staff are kind, humble and full of life, and through the continued support of the OVA and SVC, this will only flourish. A personal thank you to the OVA who supported making this trip possible.