Art Gallery of NSW Excursion to Sydney

The Official Opening of The Extension of The Art Gallery of New South Wales

by Tracey Milne


Thanks go to GIHS’s former Art teacher, Ms Abi Sparks, for putting our school forward to be one of only 50 schools selected to attend the opening of the extension of the Art Gallery of New South Wales. It was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and an unforgettable experience for all involved.


While gathered outside, we were ushered to a position front and centre to see the smoking ceremony, Welcome to Country and press conference and as we mingled with the other invitees, we enjoyed the stunning foyer with strange, elongated sculptures, all of which promised a high standard of art viewing to come.


With sacred smoke in our lungs and cameras charged, we entered the door of a truly magnificent building. It certainly did not disappoint. As an architectural splendour, the new gallery consists of several levels; rooftops, the Tank and views for 360 degrees. The Aboriginal Art Gallery is front of house and displays an awe-inspiring collection of Indigenous art that is comprehensive in representation, expressive forms and mediums including photography, weavings, sculptures wearables and paintings. It is absolutely glorious.


The Tank transported us to another realm like a dream (or nightmare) as we walked through the darkness, navigating through strange, muted lights and massive abstract forms. Another level revealed a wonderful selection of abstracts around the corner with an original Del Kathryn Barton and many other original masterpieces displayed, interactive opportunities including clay ball rolling and paper art making - gone are the days of “look, don’t touch”. It was mesmerising to view the digital works on gigantic screens, but one of my personal favourites was a miniature, pottery bowl - so precious and fine.


The previous day, we visited the Museum of Contemporary Art to experience contemporary Korean works by Do Ho Suh. It was AMAZING, extensive and comprehensive. We could also hear a lunchtime talk and spent a few hours exploring both Suh’s work as well as Prim-a-Ver, a showcase of stunning contemporary works by up-and-coming young guns. It’s wonderful to see what our next generation is creating.


Recognition goes to:

  • Mrs Woods for organising our trip. It was truly a job well done! 
  • Our amazing new art teacher Ms Squires for her caring, kind and experienced supervision
  • Mr Arandale, our bus driver
  • Our beautiful students who represented our school so well. 


Art excursions are necessary for the understanding of our art curriculum. Some things are hard to translate from books and screens; art is one of them. To see it, hear it, feel it, smell it and walk through it was the nourishment that our art sector needed. We look forward to the next big trip.