Starting Year 7 in 2023


Starting high school comes with a number of mixed feelings. It’s an exciting time. So much is changing and you’re about to start a whole new set of subjects, meet new people, create new friendships and take on new challenges. While all this change is exhilarating, the fear of the unknown can also be a daunting prospect. You’re about to be a small fish in a big pond again.


So here are some tips to make sure you get off on the right foot next year:  

  • Get set up before day one - uniform, a study space and stationery as per below
  • Find a good study space free from distractions
  • Get a homework and study planner to keep up with where you are with your work and assessments
  • Set up a study routine - a good way is to spend the first 30 minutes to an hour after you arrive home doing something you enjoy and then spend an hour or two on homework before dinner
  • Set realistic goals for your first term and remember not to be too hard on yourself if unable to achieve them
  • Be flexible with what subjects you study, for example, if you have a big maths exam coming up, focus just on that one subject and afterwards continue studying the other subjects. The amount of studying in high school can be overwhelming, but if you practise a routine every day the workload will become manageable
  • Be proud of everything you have achieved
  • Meet new people, and remember that everyone is in the same situation as you so try and talk to classmates - you never know they might even be shyer than you are
  • Try something new - high school gives you so many new opportunities to find something you enjoy doing and meet others with the same interests
  • Stay in touch with 'old' friends - you might miss your friends from primary school, but just because you may not go to the same school, it doesn’t mean you will forget each other. Stay in touch, it will be so exciting when you see each other and talk about your new high school adventures!
  • Don't be afraid to ask for help - no one will judge you, teachers and staff are here to help.


When starting year 7 also ensure that you are having healthy recess and lunch, with all the extra studying and stress, healthy food can keep you fueled for the day!


Healthy lunches can include:

  1. Fruit (e.g. fresh, frozen, pureed and canned in natural juice)
  2. Vegetables, legumes and beans
  3. Milk, yoghurt, cheese and alternatives
  4. Lean meats and poultry, fish, eggs, tofu, nuts and seeds, and legumes/beans
  5. Grain (cereal) foods
  6. Plain water