English News 

Flying Saucer Competition

On Monday the 5 of December, Year 7 held the second Annual Flying Saucer Competition. After two glue and glitter mayhem lessons, we headed down to the oval to fling our creations into the wind.


First place in the hotly contested 'Best Decorated' category was awarded to Charlie Townsend, Noel Reynolds and Toby Bryant by our guest Judge, Mrs Helen Millar.  Special mention in this category also went to the team of Alayia Stoker, Abigail Funnell and Evonne Zhang, as well as Blake Everson and Hughie Winter.


The unambiguous winner of the 'Furthest Flight' category went to the dynamic duo of Blake Duddy and Connor Grob. They out-flew the competition by several metres.


However, all competitors showed excellent sportsmanship and fun was had by all.

Coming soon will be 'The Most Impressive Alien' pageant. 


Year 6 Transition

Year 6 students wrote some sizzling starts for fractured fairy tales in their English transition classes. Here is some of their work. Can you guess the original fairy tale?


Precious practical parks are the place to be for a bear attack.

Patrick and Hunta


On a dark night, a minuscule wold named steve was gracefully skipping to his old wrinkly nan Margaret's apartment. However, he stumbled across a girl named Little Red.

Mylie and Eve


Cough, cough, cough.

"I don't feel well; I have to take a Covid test," groaned Little Red Riding not feeling well. "What? Positive? Oh no, I will have to isolate."

Dustin & Harrison


Rustling footsteps emerge out of the bushes. Eyes watching her every move. Tap, tap, tap. She quickly looks around and mutters to herself, " Wh-what was that?"

She starts pacing. She feels three taps on her shoulders and turns around quickly. She sees a mysterious masked person behind her.



"La, la, la," Red sings as she rides her hoverboard down an alleyway. Suddenly she sees a wolf and thinks of a plan. "I'm going to catch that disease-filled wolf for my granny," she thought.

Grace & Ash


You've probably heard of the story of Little Red Riding Hood, but that wasn't all of the truth!

Roco & Lawsen


I look out at my sparkling modern-day mansion and my brand-new luxury Lamborghini car. I know things look perfect, but things are not. The life of a princess isn't all a fairy tale...

Immy & Ellie-may


Thank you

The English faculty would like to thank all parents, carers and students for their patience this year. Once again, we have had a disruptive year with a shortage of English teachers and collapsed classes. Despite this, the English staff have worked diligently to provide your student with continued teaching and learning opportunities. We appreciate everyone's patience in these very trying times. Whilst we now have a stable staff of four English teachers, we are still short one teacher for 2023. We continue to advertise the position and hope for a suitable candidate prior to next year.


I would also like to thank the English staff for teaching extra classes and picking up the extra workload to ensure an English teacher was in front of every English class this year.

Wishing you all a very merry and safe Christmas.


Danielle De Redder

HT English