Kings Park News

Transition into Secondary School

Year 7s began their year with a 2 day Transition program. Time was spent getting to know one another, finding where everything is at Kings Park and learning about being organised while at secondary school. The most challenging activity was learning how to use a combination lock. While this was rather difficult – and some teachers were even a little confused by this – most students now have a locker that is secure and cannot be accessed by others.

School Wide Positive Behaviours were outlined to our new school members. At Copperfield College we expect all students to be respectful, responsible and value relationships. It has been positive to see many new friendships developing since the beginning of term and we hope that this continues throughout the year.



Ms. Pam Farrelly

Years 7 and 8 Campus Leader





As a new student of Copperfield College Kings Park it was definitely terrifying to experience a new school day with students I don’t know. Orientation Day was better than expected: we played so many activities in the gym (P.E.) and my classmates cooked poffertjes (unfortunately I couldn’t cook for allergy reasons) although I enjoyed walking around the school with the student helpers in the meantime. I checked out the books and computers in the library although I didn’t like the reading test. It certainly calmed me down when I could reach out to other high-schoolers and classmates. Overall, I’d rather do that every day than do work (just joking) and I’m excited to see what awaits later in the year.


Kim 7L2



On the first day of Orientation I was quite scared since it was my first day at Copperfield and I didn’t know anyone. Orientation was very interesting and I got to learn about what it is like at Copperfield for a day. It was fun and interesting.


Kevin 7L2

C and T Team News

Welcome back to a new and exciting year.  It is pleasing to welcome the Year 9 students into the middle years of their secondary schooling and welcome back the Year 10 students.  We also have a number of new students who have joined us from other schools.  We welcome both the students and their families.

This year we have 153 students at Year 9 and 175 students at Year 10.  Despite a few small timetabling issues, it appears as though all of our students have settled in well and begun the year positively. 

The following list are the Home Group teachers for each of our Home Groups across Year 9 and 10.

9C1      Ms Sue Erdal

9C2      Ms Megan Scott

9C3      Mr Dylan Thorn

9T1      Mr Marcus Mann

9T2      Ms Sharon Kube

9T3      Mr Rasha Obucinski


10C1   Ms Dimitrra Neocleous

10C2    Ms Amanda Nguyen and Mr Johnathon Do

10C3    Ms Pierina Alessio

10C4    Mr Alex Moyer

10T1     Ms Tara Vo

10T2     Mr tony Willis

10T3     Ms Soula Dedes


Our two wonderful Team Leaders at Year 9 and 10 area again Ms. JadeTauber who is the C-Team Leader and Ms. Deanne Geyer who is the T-Team Leader.  If you have any questions or need to let us know anything about your child, please feel free to email your child’s Home Group teacher and / or Team Leader.

Morrisby Testing

The year started out with 70 Year 9 students completing the Morrisby Test.  This test is a profiling test that will indicate students interests, abilities and aspects of their personality.  The students who completed the test should have received their results via email.  In a few weeks we will have a number of coaches coming to the school to run a thirty minute session with the students to talk about their results and to help them find out what jobs match their abilities, interests and personalities.  The consultant will then recommend subjects that the students will need to study for these particular jobs.  This is all a part of a new program called My Career insights which has been introduced across all government secondary schools.


Important dates for Year 9 and 10 students for this term include:

  • Wednesday 12 February: College Swimming Carnival – This is a compulsory event for all Year 7 and 8 students.  Only Year 9 and 10 students who are competing in an event will attend the Swimming Carnival.
  • Monday 17 February: Curriculum Day – students are not required at school on this day.
  • Tuesday 18 February: Parent Meet and Greet – both new and returning parents are invited to attend.  More information will be coming out once the timings are finalised.  The evening will allow parents to meet their child’s Home Group teacher, some subject teachers and the leadership team.
  • Monday 24 February: School photos – please make sure that your child is wearing their correct full school uniform on this day.  All students must have their photo taken, whether parents are purchasing photos or not.  This photo will be used on the schools Compass system.
  • Monday 9 March: Labour Day Holiday – students are not required at school on this day.

No Mobile Phones

We are very impressed with our Year 9 and 10 students and how they have adopted the no phones at school rule which was has been introduced this year as a directive from the Department of Education.  Students have all been provided with a locker and a lock to ensure they are able to securely store their phones in their lockers.  Please talk to your students about the importance of not sharing their code with their friends and keeping their phone in their locker.


Once again we would like to welcome back all students and parents for 2020.  If you have anything you wish you communicate with us, please contact your child’s Home Group teacher, Ms. Tauber, Ms. Geyer or Mr. Rankin

Mr Brad Rankin Campus Leader

Ms Jade Tauber C Team Leader

Ms Deanne Geyer T Team Leader

Copperfield College’s Story Hub

Over the course of 2019, Copperfield College was fortunate to be working in collaboration with 100 Story Building. The project began in term one with a total of 450 Year 7 students from the College’s Junior Campuses taking part in narrative writing workshops with facilitators from 100 Story Building.  These workshops were very well received by the students and the teachers noticed an increase in the enthusiasm of students to share their stories. The aim was to give these students an opportunity to take part in engaging and fun workshops that encourage creativity and foster a love of writing. We aim to have our students feel confident in their ability to share their stories and be guided with the creative process of writing from the experts at 100 Story Building.  The teachers were also given a Professional Learning opportunity by observing the expert delivery of the workshops. In term one, eighteen of the College’s Year 7 English and EAL (English as an Additional Language) teachers were also involved in a planning session to determine the outcomes and long term goals of the project.

The second phase of the project occurred in term two. A working group of 30 Year 7 students from the Junior Campuses was established. These students were pivotal in working towards the design and development of a ‘Story Hub’ at the Kings Park Junior Campus. These students worked with the 100 Story Building team to develop an activity to take back to their peers. The Year 7 cohort was asked to provide their ideas and feedback in response to the question “What you like to see in your Story Hub that would inspire you to write and share your stories?” The responses were collected and used to develop three main concepts for the creative writing space. These concepts were voted on and one concept emerged as the main theme for the Story Hub. During term three, the working group met regularly to work collaboratively to design elements of the Story Hub. These students have played a key part to provide a voice for our Year 7s. They have been given the opportunity to learn the process of consultation and collaboration and have been given agency to make choices about their ‘Story Hub’. Since being part of this project, Year 7 teachers have seen the Year 7 working group students committed and engaged in a project that allows them to exercise their creativity and engage in critical thinking. These students have also displayed a sense of belonging and pride in their school. Most significantly, there has been an increased sense of excitement for writing projects to come in the future.

Over the course of term 4, a classroom at Kings Park was transformed into a Story Hub- a creative writing space for all our students to use that has been designed by our Year 7s.  100 Story Building dedicated $5000 to this transformation. The students worked with designer and artist Alia Syed Rose to complete this project.

The future of this collaboration will involve the year 7 -10 English and EAL teachers to work with 100 Story Building staff to plan the narrative writing units of work in 2020. We envisage that our students will use the Story Hub as a creative writing space and that the space will also accommodate an ‘out of school hours writing club’ in 2020.



Ms Lucy Grande

Literacy Leader

Junior Team Report

On the 12th of February, the year 7 and 8 from Kings Park and Sydenham campuses went head to head battling it off in our yearly swimming carnival. Unfortunately L team came last and congratulations to D team who came second overall. All of the students had a smile on their faces and had an enjoyable time cheering on their peers. All of the year 7’s are now highly anticipating Iron Form Day which is coming up in a few weeks. .

Written by some students from L Team.



Mr Nick Taseski

L Team Leader