Delahey Campus Principal Message

Firstly, a big welcome back to all members of the Delahey community. We have almost reached the halfway mark of Term 1 as I write this report and I dare say, we’ll be inundated with Easter promotions and products at the supermarket before long.

Campus Principals

Allow me to introduce myself; my name is Renato Carinci, one of the two campus principals here at the Delahey campus. For those who don’t know me, I have been at Copperfield College since 1987. In that time, my journey has included that of Mathematics teacher, Leading Teacher and more recently, as one of the campus principals at the Kings Park campus. I spent the last 9 years leading the Kings Park campus, an experience I will cherish for a long time. When the opportunity presented itself to move campuses, I saw it as an opportunity for a new challenge and a chance to lead another team of dedicated staff as we try and deliver the best outcomes for your child.

My fellow campus principal is Brendan (Dan) Sullivan. Dan has come to Copperfield from Victoria University Secondary College highly regarded, experienced and with expertise in many school improvement areas. You’ll be hearing and reading more from Dan as the year progresses but for now, welcome to the Copperfield College family. Here’s hoping your time here is a fulfilling and productive one and that you will create your own history and legacy at a school that has been close to my heart for over 33 years.

New Staff

I’d also like to welcome Peter Matassa to the Delahey community. Peter is a highly experienced teacher of VCE mathematics, leader of Mathematics and accredited VCAA assessor of Mathematical Methods, having taught for many years at Hallam Senior Secondary College. Welcome Peter!

We also have two Copperfield College staff members who have moved to the Delahey senior campus from our Junior campuses. Laura Vasjuta has spent many years at the Sydenham campus teaching Health & PE as well as undertaking a variety of leadership positions. In 2020, Laura comes to the Delahey campus as the Health & PE Learning Area Leader. Welcome Laura!

Jereme Farrell was given the opportunity toward the end of the year to move to the Delahey campus after Ms Polovic-Lazovic accepted a position elsewhere. Jereme spent a year at the Kings Park campus where he certainly made a big impression in such a short time. Welcome to Delahey Jereme!

The year to date has started incredibly smoothly and this is in no small way due to the organisational and student-centred mindset of all teachers, leaders and education support staff at the Delahey campus.

Beginning of 2020

On Day 1, Delahey staff engaged in a professional learning session where they were able to reflect on 2019 VCE data, not only celebrating achievements but also analysing areas for improvement so that it informs changes in practice in 2020. The sharing of data around examination trends, school-based assessment moderation, value-added data and individual student achievements was an authentic example of the Professional Learning Community structure we are developing across the college.


On Friday January 31, the campus came together to celebrate the achievements of our newest alumni, in particular, our 2019 Dux, James Randich, all our students with 40+ study scores and Ellie Pogorzelski (Publications National Competition Runner Up). Congratulations to you all. Here’s hoping your careers are as rewarding as they can be and that you will come back one day to inspire the next group of Copperfield senior students.

Parent Information Evenings

The campus has also provided two forums over two successive weeks for the 3-way partnership to consolidate through Parent Information evenings covering VCAL, Year 12 and Year 11 VCE respectively. Parents were provided with information from a variety of presenters and then given the opportunity to speak to Team Leaders and Mentor Teachers about aspects of their child’s education. The evenings were invaluable for building that relationship so that together, we all support our student-their child.

Motivate, Empower & Energise (MEE) day

On Friday February 14, the entire Year 12 cohort spent the day at LaTrobe University as part of the Motivate, Empower & Energise (MEE) day. Days like this early in the school year provide students with time to reflect on the challenges ahead during the year, the strategies and supports to turn those challenges into success, the pathways options available and just as importantly, a glimpse at what a post-secondary educational setting looks like, feels like and sounds like. Of course, there was time for some fun in the afternoon with tours of the campus and some

physical activities in the amazing new indoor sport centre at LaTrobe University. A big thanks to all who helped in the organisation.

Capital works Program

The capital works program has begun to ramp up over the last fortnight. Students and staff are now using the portables as they would any other classrooms with all works, data connection and paving completed. The Art Block ceiling is being dismantled after scaffolding was erected earlier in the week. Yes, there is some disruption and inconvenience but ultimately, students and staff will be the beneficiaries of a drier, brighter, safer and more aesthetically appealing building in a few months’ time. The second half of the year sees us beginning work on the Administration Block.



Curriculum Day

Curriculum Day was held on Monday February 17 at the Delahey campus. Whilst they can sometimes be just seen as a pupil-free day, their importance is invaluable, particularly at a multi-campus college where it is just that more difficult for whole college staff to come together and learn together. It is critical that the educational research that underpins our learning and then is transferred to the classroom is owned by every teacher; from Year 7 to Year 12.

VCAL/VET Programs

Our VCAL/VET program continues to deliver measurable outcomes for its students. Our latest success story is Olivia. With the support and unique partnership that WPC have provided us over the years, Olivia has wooed the top brass at Porsche so much that she has been offered a School Based Apprenticeship with Porsche as a VET Automotive student. Congratulations to Olivia. From all reports, Porsche couldn’t offer her the place quickly enough, so was the way she presented herself. A big thanks also goes to her VET Automotive teacher, Mr Chris Larkin as well as Mr Evan Henry from WPC. Well done to all!


To finish off, some housekeeping:

  • Please continue to support the mobile phone policy ban in schools. Please remind your child that mobile phones are to be stored away while students are on campus. Students have also been told they are not to use their phones at the canteen to purchase food
  • Our Doctors In Schools program provides a service twice every four weeks over a four-hour period. It is a free service. See Ms Scarfe for details about bookings etc
  • Our uniform policy is also quite explicit. If there are any issues around the purchase of items or other reasons your child is not in uniform, do not hesitate to contact the school so we can work toward a solution
  • On the subject of uniform, a reminder that our photos day is on Wednesday February 26. Students are to be in full school uniform. Payment is now made through the Compass portal on the school website


I think that’s enough for now.

Take care


Mr Renato Carinci